japanese adjective conjugation practice

by - 23 12 2020

You’ve come a long way, and congratulations on your journey into the year 2020! Japanese verbal adjective details omoshiroi - 面白い- interesting - funny Ultra Handy Japanese Verb Conjugator. *Note:  Although these adjectives have kanji readings, they are most commonly written in hiragana. Although Japanese adjectives have functions to modify nouns like English adjectives, they also function as verbs when used as predicates. 彼の態度はよくない。 (Kare no taido wa yokunai)  –  His attitude isn’t good. Question Focus ... いい adjective. Conjugating Japanese Adjectives: It’s Easier Than You Think! Verb/Adjective Conjugation Practice *The following are exercises for verb/adjective conjugations introduced in the Dialogue & Grammar section. This is an important distinction because it means that i-adjectives can be used without any additional verbs. Note that “だ” is the casual form, and “です” is the polite form, which is true for all forms. In fact, よい is the archaic word for good. 高い (たかい – takai)   —>   高くない (たかくない – takakunai) = Isn’t expensive, 安い (やすい – yasui)  —>   安くない (やすくない – yasukunai) =  Isn’t cheap, *良い (いい – ii) —>   良くない (よくない – yokunai) =  Isn’t good. In the following exercises, we will practice the conjugations for adjectives. じゃなかった ja nakatta → じゃありませんでした ja arimasen deshita>, でわなかった dewa nakatta → ではありませんでした dewa arimasen deshita>. How well do you know i-adjectives and na-adjectives? To make the i-adjective negative past tense form, drop “い” and add “くなかった” to the adjective stem. Here are some of the most common and familiar i-adjectives. All the conjugation rules for both nouns and na-adjectives are the same. Japanese adjectives do not vary by number and genre; You need to conjugate adjectives like verbs, in affirmative, negative, past and non-past forms; In Japanese there are 2 categories of adjectives:. (Hence the name, na … Next, let’s look at the conjugations for na-adjectives. Take each adjective and conjugate it to the following forms: the declarative (when applicable), negative, past, and negative past. *Note:   Although both meanings of the word have the same kanji, generally “clean” is written きれい/キレイ, while “pretty” is written 綺麗. Or if you want a fun way to learn natural Japanese, check out our review on Japanesepod101 to see why we think it’s the best resource for learning Japanese. 元気なこども Genki na kodomo An energetic child. If you would like to learn about -i adjectives, please click here.The -na adjectives pretty much act as nouns. One main difference is that a na-adjective can directly modify a noun following it by sticking 「な」 between the adjective and noun. Adjectives are split into two groups, -i adjectives and -na adjectives. Use this guide as a reference as you continue to expand your adjective vocabulary, and you will never be confused about how to use them. Adjectives are words that are used to describe things. This test will review their different forms. Adjectives are words that are used to describe things. Japanese adjectives are broadly divided into two categories: i-adjectives and na-adjectives. Often I found that drills would focus on one particular conjugation type and then get you to do a dozen or so. 新しい (あたらしい – atarashii)  —>   新しかった (あたらしかった – atarashikatta)  =  Was new, 古い (ふるい – furui)  —>   古かった (ふるかった – furukatta)  = Was old, 良い (いい – ii)  —>  良かった (よかった – yokatta)  =  Was good. Let’s look at some sample sentences for the negative past tense form. Language Quiz / Japanese i-Adjective Conjugation Random Language or Japanese Quiz Can you name the conjugated Japanese adjectives? おじいさんの家は古かった。 (Ojiisan no ie wa furukatta)  –  My grandfather’s house was old. John:  事故にあったけど、けがはなかった。 I had an accident, but I wasn’t injured. Japanese Conjugation Practice. … Romaji (English Letters) English Meaning. We are now going to practice the adjectives conjugations in order. Be sure to check out more of our free learning Japanese lessons. 314 class I verb conjugation -- 帰る(かえる) 315 class I verb conjugation -- 泳ぐ(およぐ) 316 class I verb conjugation -- 遊ぶ(あそぶ) 236 class II verb conjugation -- 食べる(たべる) 223 class III verb conjugation -- 来る(くる)、 233 する; 208 Adjective Conjugation Yoi is derived from the older adjective yoshi (same kanji), and over time “yoi” became “ii” in speech because it is easier to say. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best possible experience on our website. 彼の態度はよくないです。 (Kare no taido wa yokunai desu)  –  His attitude isn’t good. You can identify na-adjectives by their ending, either な before a noun or the copula だ/です. Keep in mind that this is NOT to quiz you on how many adjective meanings you know!If you get something wrong, make sure to check out the right answer! The teacher calls out 「おおきいものは?」 and both students must call out the first ‘big’ thing that comes to mind. The only change needed to make i-adjectives polite form is to add です to the end of the sentence. The Best Way to Learn Japanese: 15 Ways To Supercharge Your Learning, Japan on a Budget: A Guide to Cheap Travel, How to Say Sister in Japanese: 7 Different Ways, Shinto: A Look Into the Religion of Japan, Top 5 Mistakes Everyone Makes Learning Japanese, The Complete Guide to Shoyu: Japanese Soy Sauce. い adjectives (い 形容詞 けいようし); な adjectives (な 形容詞 けいようし); い and な adjectives conjugate differently from each other. If it ends in ‘ei’ it is probably a na-adjective (e.g. I-adjectives end in -i and are conjugated similarly to verbs. Now that we’ve practiced the basic conjugations for adjectives, we are going to practice using them in actual sentences using the particles covered in the last section. Japanese verbal adjective details atarashii - 新しい- new Ultra Handy Japanese Verb Conjugator. Learn how to conjugate Japanese adjective words. If you’re new to Japanese conjugation rules then you’re in luck: い-adjectives are pretty simple and they all, with the exception of one oddball, follow the same rule of conjugation! To make the i-adjective negative form, drop “い,” and add “かった” to the adjective stem. この問題は簡単ではない。 (Kono mondai wa kantan dewa nai)  –  This problem isn’t easy. If a consonant comes before the final ‘i’ then it is a na-adjective (e.g. This article tackles -na adjectives. They end in -na when used directly before a noun. Japanese adjectives are broadly divided into two categories: i-adjectives and na-adjectives. tanoshii, ureshii) 3. Na-adjectives end in -na when they come before a noun and are conjugated using the copula -desu. Japanese Conjugation City is an application that lets you create a test and practice close to 30 different verb conjugations and 4 different adjective conjugations. Each with their own respective lesson and examples in romaji or Japanese. Includes present tense, past tense, te form, and adverbs. あなたのお手伝いは必要でした。 (Anata no otetsudai wa hitsuyou deshita)  –  Your help was necessary. 昨日は気分がよくなかった。 (Kinou wa kibun ga yokunakatta)  –  I didn’t feel well yesterday. な is used before nouns, and だ/です is used at the end of a sentence. Learn how your comment data is processed. Yokatta is a versatile expression, and in addition to the meaning shown above, it can also be used to express relief or joy about something that happened. Na-adjectives are mostly words of Chinese origin, written as a compound of 2 kanji characters and read with the on-yomi, or the reading that was derived from Chinese pronunciation. Otherwise, they function similarly to nouns and have the alternative name of adjectival nouns. Random Verb Conjugation Japanese Verb Conjugation practice page. Learn how to conjugate Japanese verbs and adjectives! The way to make a polite sentence form is to use です rather than だ. Linguistics note: な and だ after na-adjectives are different forms of the same thing. Confusingly, a few na-adjectives, like kirei and kirai, also end in “い.” So how can you tell them apart? Here are some examples: In the second example, the i-adjective is used before -desu. Note that in contrast to i-adjectives, na-adjectives must be followed by だ/です at the end of a sentence. Unlike na-adjectives, i-adjectives have unique conjugation rules that you must learn. *Note: Ii/yoi is one of the very few irregular adjectives, and since it is so commonly used, we will look at each of its conjugations. I-adjectives all end in ~ i, although they never end in ~ ei (for example, kirei is not an i-adjective.) その経験は大変だった。 (Sono keiken wa taihen datta)  –  That experience was tough. I-adjective conjugation is broadly similar to verb conjugation. You can use i-adjectives either before a noun or at the end of a sentence. 難しい (むずかしい – muzukashii)  —>   難しくなった (むずかしくなかった – muzukashikunakatta)  =  Wasn’t difficult, 優しい (やさしい – yasashii)  —>  優しくなかった (やさしくなかった – yasashikunakatta)  =  Wasn’t kind, 良い (いい – ii)  —>  良くなかった (よくなかった – yokunakatta)  =  Wasn’t good, 安全だ (あんぜんだ – anzen da)   —>   安全じゃない (あんぜんじゃない – anzen janai)  =  Isn’t safe, 簡単です (かんたんです – kantan desu)  —>   簡単ではない (かんたんではない – kantan dewa nai)  =  Isn’t easy. modifies a verb (adverb form) (akaku natta -> became red) (naru is the verb "to become") drop the い and add くな … Na-adjectives end in -na when they come before a noun and are conjugated using the copula -desu. That child is energetic. I’ve made a conjugation drill for those that want to practice conjugations for verbs, い adjectives and な adjectives. by Littlechocoholic Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Japanese Verb Conjugation: How to Memorize and Practice The Japanese verb conjugation is relatively easy to learn, but memorizing all verb groups’ forms can certainly be scary at first glance. They are conjugated using the copula -desu. There are 2 main categories of 形容詞 (keiyoushi/ adjectives) and these are na-keiyoushi and i-keiyoushi. Adjective Conjugation Practice. In this beginner’s guide to Japanese adjectives, we’ll look at the two types of adjectives, how to conjugate them, and how to use them in conversation. The na-adjective is very simple to learn because it acts essentially like a noun. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. But first, you might want to learn or review the following useful adjectives that will be used in the exercises. There are two kinds of adjectives in Japanese, i-adjectives (い形容詞) and na-adjectives (な形容詞). You don’t need to change or add anything else. I-adjectives can be a complete sentence on their own, without adding anything to them. Now you know all the basics of Japanese adjectives! The Japanese title kyoo-wa benri? The -desu is not used in the casual form. あの船は安全じゃない。(Ano fune wa anzen janai)  –  That boat isn’t safe. If it ends in anything other than an ‘i’ then it is a na-adjective (e.g. Both have very different conjugation rules but are quite easy to understand with practice. 彼の対応は丁寧ではかなった。 (Kare no taiou wa teinei dewa nakatta)  –  His response wasn’t polite. Although they might be used on their own in a very casual or slang context, this is not grammatically correct. The Past Is the Past: Japanese Adjectives in the Past Tense : H ey there, all of you future Japanese masters! The be-verb is implied, meaning that a word like おいしい (delicious) can actually contain the meaning “is delicious.” We’ll come back to this later. You can easily identify i-adjectives because they end with い. Rachel:  無事でよかった! I’m so glad you’re okay! By using this site, you accept our use of cookies. Be sure to take a look at our previous blogs about adjectives to have a better understanding of the contents of this blog. There are two kinds of adjective in Japanese, i-adjectives (い形容詞) and na-adjectives (な形容詞). The only site on the web featuring Japanese verb conjugation and pictures of alien monsters. Color Your Sentences With Japanese Adjectives. https://www.japanesewithanime.com/2018/11/na-adjectives.html You may have studied this when learning to construct basic sentences, and if so, you will find it works the same way here. Go here for the Quick Japanese Verb how-to. Before using an – い adjective, we need to conjugate it to match the tense of the sentence. Na-adjectives are conjugated by conjugating the だ/です copula that follows the adjective. There are a few exceptions, but generally, most i-adjectives are written in hiragana or a single kanji character followed by an い. Back to Start . This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I've lived on Shikoku for the last 16 years with my husband and 2 children. Let’s look at some sample sentences for the negative form. In broad terms, i-adjectives are words of Japanese origin, usually written with one kanji character using its kun-yomi, or native Japanese reading. Let’s look at some sample sentences for the past tense form. To sum it up briefly, the positive present tense “ii” is used mainly when speaking, while “yoi” is more common in writing, and is considered more formal. It marks the third official app for "GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese," a best-selling series of Japanese learning materials boasting more than 2 million copies sold. They are conjugated similarly to Japanese verbs and are also known as adjectival verbs. We will practice the negative, past tense, and negative past tense forms. All na-adjectives for the JLPT N5. *Enter the appropriate conjugation form of each given verb/adjective. 1. They play a vital role in increasing your language fluency. By now, you are familiar with a few Japanese adjectives.Therefore, for this lesson, we’re taking it one step further! Learn Japanese grammar: い-adjectives (i-adjectives), also known as い形容詞 (i keiyoushi). The conjugation rules for "true" Japanese adjectives are as follows: ひらがな - Hiragana. このパンはおいしいです。Kono pan wa oishii desu. After over a decade of working for a soy sauce manufacturer, I'm now a writer and translator. あの子供は元気だ。Ano kodomo wa genki da. This bread is delicious. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star Popular Quizzes Today. you might be tempted to translate as "today is convenient," but Japanese don't use benri with "today" like we do in English.benri means a thing is convenient to use, or a place is convenient to live. Current Streak. To make the na-adjective negative form, change だ to じゃない, and change です to ではない. The True Japan is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. なる Form; Conditional Form; Negative Form; Past Form; Volitional Form; Randomized Forms The conjugation for i-adjectives always follows the same rules with just one exception: the adjective “good” (いい). Here you only have to remember that when the adjective conjugates into the past, negative, or past negative the first syllable becomes よ. *The verbs/adjectives are chosen randomly in every exercise. This is the polite form. Trick questions (answers may be the same as the given form) Use hiragana throughout the test (no kanji) Show furigana on questions. Learn More. This app helps you to master the conjugation of elementary verbs and adjectives through practice at your own pace. あのレストランは高くない。 (Ano resutoran wa takakunai)  –  That restaurant isn’t expensive. They play a vital role in increasing your language fluency. Let’s look at some sample sentences for the negative past tense form: さっきのテストは難しくなかった。 (Sakki no tesuto wa muzukashikunakatta)  –  The test earlier wasn’t difficult. In order to emphasize the fact that you can’t use the declarative 「だ」 with i-adjectives, you should just write “n/a” (or just leave it blank) when a conjugation does not apply. Let’s look at some sample sentences for the negative form: To make the na-adjective past tense form, change “だ” to “だった,” or change “です” to “でした.”, 大変だ (たいへんだ – taihen da)  —>  大変だった (たいへんだった – taihen datta)  =  Was tough/difficult, 必要です (ひつようです – hitsuyou desu)  —>  必要でした (ひつようでした – hitsuyou deshita)  =  Was necessary. Learn Japanese grammar: な-adjectives (na-adjectives), also known as な形容詞 (na keiyoushi). Number of Questions. Conjugating Japanese Nouns Because な adjectives are actually a type of noun, we can expand this concept a little bit further by realizing that we can pair a noun with じゃない to make a valid sentence. Don's Japanese Conjugation Drill. The na-adjective is very simple to learn because it acts essentially like a … Let’s look at some sample sentences for the past tense form: To make the na-adjective negative past tense form, change “だ” to “じゃなかった” and change “です to ではなかった.”. They are derived from classical Japanese forms but have the same root, and if you keep this in mind, it will help you remember that na-adjectives need to be followed by one or the other, depending on where they come in the sentence. Na-adjectives must be followed by な or a form of だ/です. Here are some of the most common and familiar na-adjectives. Click on the adjective and all the grammar forms of this adjective. Make sure to practice them with your Japanese language exchange partner so you get the hang of conjugating them fast. この服は安くない。 (Kono fuku wa yasukunai) – These clothes aren’t cheap. genki, benri) 5. The first type of adjective in Japanese is the – い adjective (-i adjective). There are two types of adjectives in Japanese: i-adjectives and na-adjectives. Adjective practice Two students come to the front of the class and face each other. きれい – pretty; neat; いい – good; かっこいい – cool; good-looking; 面白い 【おもしろい】 – interesting; 有名 【ゆうめい】 – famous; 嫌い 【きらい】 – dislike; hate; 好き 【すき】 – like Learn how to conjugate Japanese adjective words. kantan, rippa) 2. drop the い and add く. drop the "i" and add "ku". Beginner students could call out something in English and use the game as a listening comprehension activity. What you see in our lessons is a quite simplified approach to learning Japanese adjectives, but nevertheless you will see that it already brings quite a few challenges. This is the table of all na-adjectives you need to know for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5. 特別だ (とくべつだ – tokubetsu da)  —>   特別じゃなかった (とくべつじゃなかった – tokubetsu ja nakatta)  =  Wasn’t special, 丁寧です (ていねいです – teinei desu)  —>丁寧ではなかった (ていねいではなかった – teinei dewa nakatta)  =  Wasn’t polite. For example, let’s combine わたしwith じゃない to make わたしじゃない which means “not me”. In this case, the only way is to memorize them or look at how they are used in the sentence. I-adjectives end in -i and are conjugated similarly to verbs. Firmly master the conjugation of Japanese verbs and adjectives! Everytime you feel overwhelmed by your Japanese studies, remember that learning a … あのケーキは特別じゃなかった。 (Ano keeki wa tokubetsu ja nakatta)  –  That cake wasn’t special. And if you’re looking to learn more Japanese, JapanesePod101 is a great place to start. Japanese Adjective Conjugation. These types of adjectives have an – い at the end of the word. kirei, yuumei) 4. Now you can describe things in a variety of ways. “Oh, another one?” you may ask… Hang on because this one is a bit different than your average exercise drill. 彼女の車は新しかったです。(Kanojo no kuruma wa atarashikatta desu)  –  Her car was new. The na-adjective forms can be made more polite by changing “ない” to “ありません,” like this: By now, you have mastered the basics of Japanese adjectives. Simple, interactive grammar studying page with adjustable settings. さっきのテストは難しくなかったです。 (Sakki no tesuto wa muzukashikunakatta desu)  –   The test earlier wasn’t difficult. To make the i-adjective negative form, drop い, and add “くない” to the adjective stem. The only site on the web featuring Japanese verb conjugation and pictures of alien monsters. If there are 2 i’s, it is an i-adjective (e.g. Let’s take a look at the negative form, past tense form, and negative past tense form. Here is a list of some simple adjectives (and one noun) that might be used in the exercises. Most na-adjectives are 2-kanji compound loan words, but a small number are native Japanese words using one kanji together with hiragana. Happy studying! I'm interested in language and history, and I love living where I can enjoy a view of the Seto Inland Sea every day. あの映画はよかった。 (Ano eiga wa yokatta)  –  That movie was good. Can identify na-adjectives by their ending, either な before a noun following it by sticking 「な」 the! In every exercise our use of cookies ’ ve come a long way, and く.! Main categories of 形容詞 ( keiyoushi/ adjectives ) and na-adjectives only change needed to make わたしじゃない which “... Nakatta ) – My grandfather ’ s look at our previous blogs about adjectives to have a understanding! An い, for this lesson, we ’ re taking it one step further い-adjectives ( i-adjectives,... Adjective and noun, but a small number are native Japanese words using one kanji together hiragana... Not grammatically correct verb/adjective conjugation practice * the verbs/adjectives are chosen randomly in every exercise given verb/adjective these! To add です to ではない t need to know for the last 16 years with My and... 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