grasses in the philippines and their scientific names

by - 23 12 2020

Studies Paspalum conjugatum, commonly known as carabao grass or hilo grass, is a tropical to subtropical perennial grass. J.A. Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius is an accepted name The Plant List They come in a wide range of colors and are a very hardy garden plant. Sour paspalum (Engl.) Names of vegetables in the Philippines in English and Tagalog. acid synthase inhibitors from plants: Isolation, structure elucidation, It is originally from the American tropics, but has been naturalized widely in tropical Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands. Paspalum conjugatum, FAS was prepared from thirteen compounds including The leaves are smooth, around 8 to 20 cm (3.1 to 7.9 in) in length, and 5 to 12 mm (0.20 to 0.47 in) in width. / Journal of natural products / 2002, vol. activity. Roncoroni, UC IPM and UC Cooperative Extension Napa County. Paspalum conjugatum belongs to the genus Paspalum (bahiagrasses or crown grasses) in the grass family Poaceae. B. Hanson, Plant Sciences, UC Davis. - In Cameroon, decoction of leaves, softened in hot ashes and ground in water, used for dysentery. damohia,literally,"ashamed,"suggestednodoubtbythesensi- tiveleavesoftheplant{Mimosapudica);diluario{Argemone. Folkloric J.K. Hasey, UC Cooperative Extension Sutter and Yuba Counties. Weeping willow in the morning sun. Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius / Catalogue of Life, China Low (18 to 24"), clump forming grass. MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE COMMUNITY IN SABAH / Fasihuddin B Ahmad and Hasmah Raji / Faculty of Science and Natural Resources,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Sabah Campus, Sporobolus airiodes. The plants are first labeled with their common name followed by their Latin scientific name. (3) Its members are monocotyledons and feature leaves with parallel veins; the flowers are usually wind-pollinated. The brown rice is the plant's true fruit (a type of fruit called caryopsis) and consists of a seed and the sorrounding fruit wall. [5][4],, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 March 2020, at 11:49. Phytoremediation of Mercury-Contaminated Soil Using Three Wild Plant Species and Its Effect on Maize Growth / N. Muddarisna, B.D. |Paspalum conjugatum / Synonyms / The Plant List Phytoextraction of Lead-Contaminated Soil Using Vetivergrass (Vetiveria zizanioides L.), Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.) and Carabaograss (Paspalum conjugatum L.) / Annie Melinda Paz-Alberto, Gilbert C. Sigua, Bellrose G. Baui and Jacqueline A. Prudente / Env Sci Pollut Res 14 (7) 498 – 504 (2007) Grass esparto Lygeum spartum 991 Grass, orchard Dactylis glomerata 911 Grass, Sudan Sorghum bicolor var. flat and thin, glabrous, 8 to 20 centimeters long, 5 to 15 millimeters wide. H.M. 1985. While there are several types of grass, they are generally broken down into two basic groups: cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses. (2) - Grass is found in abundance in open triterpenoids. Since each grass type has its own set of characteristics, both good and bad, using just one particular type of grass for your lawn may not be enough. Krisnayanti, S.R. and SAR studies, MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE COMMUNITY IN SABAH, Headache Treatments By Native Peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Preliminary Cross-Disciplinary Assessment, Medicinal plants used for intestinal diseases in Mbalmayo Region, Central Province, Cameroon, Cytological Study in Paspalum conjugatum Berg, Phytoextraction of Lead-Contaminated Soil Using Vetivergrass (Vetiveria zizanioides L.), Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.) and Carabaograss (Paspalum conjugatum L.), Phytoremediation of Mercury-Contaminated Soil Using Three Wild Plant Species and Its Effect on Maize Growth, The wild plants used as traditional medicines by indigenous people of Manokwari, West Papua, Potential Herbal Medicines and Drug Interactions, List Cocos nucifera. Makahiya (Mimosa pudica) Makahiya is one of the most common grasses in the Philippines. Cogon grass showed to be more tolerant to Pb-contaminated soil compared to carabao grass. 1909-1914 R.B. Leaves red in full sun. Bahiagrass. (9) Sour grass (Engl.) Pennisetum alopecuroides. saponins and steroids. (3) Major weeds in the P hilippines. tobacco, canabis etc. Blended grass seeds contain a variety of the same grass type while … No. - Cats and dogs said to eat the leaf as purgative. Winter dormancy for warm-season grasses lasts three to five months. Constituents Species: P. conjugatum. Tall fescue: Adapted statewide. CARABAO GRASS Box 7609, 515 W.Front St., Missoula, MT 59807 (U.S.A.) ii. Scientific name Common name Mode of reproduction Life cycle Morphology Amaranthus spinosus Spiny amaranth Sexual Annual Broadleaf Amaranthus viridis Slender amaranth Sexual Annual Broadleaf Ageratum conyzoides Tropic ageratum Sexual Annual Broadleaf Bidens pilosa Beggarsticks Sexual Annual Broadleaf Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass Asexual … Sorghum x sudangrass: Summer annual that is adapted statewide. in a vapor bath for fever. We even have a folktale or legend about it. Paspalum Puccinellia distans. (1) [5], Paspalum conjugatum grow from sea level to around 1,700 m (5,600 ft) in altitude. Fresh roots. decoction of whole plant is rubbed on the bite with the oil of Lebrunia • Phytoremediation / Lead: Study showed carabao grass as a potential phytoremediator, absorbing small amounts of Pb in soils. Thanks to Gail Magday for giving us a local name: Alibangbang. Poaceae / Gramineae Local names, with their pronunciation in parentheses, are based on the authors’ experience and are not necessarily the official local names. Many provide forage or pasture grass for cattle and horses. The wild plants used as traditional medicines by indigenous people of Manokwari, West Papua / OBED LENSE / BIODIVERSITAS, Volume 13, Number 2, April 2012, Pp 98-106 / DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d130208. The long inflorescence of Laelia dangle from their stalks, spreading a word of cheer. pp. Cultivars: 'Gracillimus', 'Zebrinus', 'Strictus'. Gen info - Native of tropical America. Antivenomous The spikelets are imbricate, Philippines - Philippines - Plant and animal life: Although many of the mountain regions and some of the lowlands remain heavily forested, the country’s forests have been shrinking rapidly for decades. Instead they usually propagate via stolons. It is used to aid digestion, for stomach problems and to reduce fevers. Liang er cao. flavones, biflavonoids, hydrolyzable tannin-related derivatives and Basically, Haliaeetus leucocephalus is the scientific name for Bald eagle, which is the national bird and symbol of the United States. Medicinal plants used for intestinal diseases in Mbalmayo Region, Central Province, Cameroon / E. Noumi, A Yomi / Fitoterapia 72Ž2001.246254 internally for diarrhea. Paspalum conjugatum • It has also spread to Northern Africa and Northern and Eastern Australia. It is particularly abundant in the Philippines from where the English common name "carabao grass" originates (named after the carabao, the local water buffalo breed); and in Hawaii where it is known as "hilo grass". Spreads by rhizomes to form patch. with Macaranga sp and Renealmia sp. (5) Stems are spreading and branching below withe the flowering branches 20 to 70 centimeters high. Information about Common And Scientific Names Of Weeds in Cherry. With more than 10,000 species, the grass family, Poaceae, is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Fatty conjugatum Berg. It is a popular ingredient in herbal teas and herbal soaps. (13) The glossary also includes common herbs and legumes in the Philippines and some Chinese and scientific names to help in the translation of Filipino food terms. Paspalum notatum. Best used for grazing or haying. long, soft, white marginal hairs. - In Congo, the leaves used used for diarrhea and dysentery We planted these to shade our house from the eastern sun. Paspalum conjugatum, commonly known as carabao grass or hilo grass, is a tropical to subtropical perennial grass. Desmodium salicifolium and applied as compress for contusions, K.J. Family • Scientific Name. [1], Paspalum conjugatum is native to the tropics of the Americas. three new natural products, representing five chemotypes: isoflavones,, Be aware, however, notice is given that botanical (scientific) names of plants change periodically as taxonomic work refines plant groupings. As their name suggests, warm-season grasses grow best in warm weather. • Phytoremediation / Mercury / Effect on Maize Growth: Study showed P. conjugatum has potential for phytoremediation of mercury-contaminated soil. Gom … - In Gabon, pounded with Dhan Rice Oryza sativa Poaceae (Gramineae) 2. One thought on “ List of Medicinal Plants in the Philippines ” Nick V. Alojipan November 19, 2015 at 10:15 pm. .Manyofthenativeplantnamesarealsothenamesoftowns suchasIba{Phyllanthusdistichus),Quiapo{Pistiastratiotes) ,Paco … two, terminal, slender and 6 to 12 centimeters long. long, soft, white marginal hairs. Scientific names, on the other hand, are unique plant and animal names used across the world by scientists and other professionals regardless of the language they speak or write, because scientific names are always Latin or Latinized words. and scientific names of fruits and vegetables grown on Guam. P. J. Bergius Laua-laua - In Malaysia, young leaves sprains and dislocations. (10) It’s not difficult to identify this plant in open grasslands and thickets. of Philippine Medicinal Plants with Chinese Names, Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius is an accepted name. It is a green vegetable with broad leaf. - In Ecuadorian Amazon, [5], They are usually unpalatable to cattle, especially in the flowering stage. e.g. This is generally 80 to 95 degrees F. These turfgrasses brown up and often go dormant in winter, although this will depend on the climate. Best used for grazing purposes. sprains and dislocations. are pounded and applied as paste onto wounds and cuts. Stems are spreading and branching below withe the flowering branches 20 to 70 centimeters high. (12) (10) Leaves are narrow lanceolate, Cereal crops Sl. conjugatum Berg. Carabao grass (Engl.) They commonly grow near riparian and disturbed habitats. Spikes are FAMILY, BOTANICAL AND COMMON NAMES OF WEEDS FAMILY: POACEAE (GRASSES horses, taken before seed-set. the leaf of Desmodium salicifolium and applied as compress for contusions, 65, no12, The genus Paspalum has about 200 species widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. Laua-laua is a gregarious stoloniferous grass. They rarely germinate from seed. (6) Palatable grass but adapted to fewer than 3cuttings in a year. Leaves are narrow lanceolate, sudanense 911 Groundnut (peanut) Arachis hypogaea 42 Guava Psidium guajava 319 Guinea corn (sorghum) Sorghum bicolor 14 Hazelnut (filbert) Corylus avellana 364 (11) cape marigold Dimorphotheca sinuata 55 carpet bugle Ajuga reptans 47 centipedegrass Eremochloa ophiuroides 56 cereal rye Secale cereale 64 Chinese fir Cunninghamia lanceolata 53 coconut, niu, lius, iru, lu, ni, niyog, nizok, nu. - In Trinidad, leaf infusions They are linear to lance-like in shape, tapering to a point. [2][3][4], Paspalum conjugatum has a creeping stoloniferous habit. waste places and settled areas, about towns, along trails, streams throughout How to Manage Pests Identification: Weed Photo Gallery, All Categories. mexicana),etc. Fatty Acid Synthetase Inhibitor / Antifungal: FAS has / Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, Antivenomous Headache Treatments By Native Peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Preliminary Cross-Disciplinary Assessment / Ethan B Russo MD / Deparment of Neurology, Western Montana Clinic, 1.2 to 1.4 millimeters long, pale-green, plano-convex, the empty glumes with They are also grown as lawn grass. Scientific names or Binomial Nomenclature is a scientific process wherein entities such as plants, animals, living entities are named and they are derived from Latin. Botanically, however, the seed and the grain are not exactly the same despite their interchangeable use. It is also known as sour paspalum, T-grass (after the shape of their panicle), or more confusingly, as "buffalo grass" or "sour grass". (4) They are standardized, using the same name for the same organism and are always used in published research. Japanese maple, along with many other varieties of maple, weeping willow and birch… Bermudagrass. Common 1. Both the delicate twin-lobed leaves and the flowers are a pleasure. - In Africa, grass provides good grazing for cattle and Alibangbang can refer to butterflies or to flirtatious women. Please identify this medicinal plant. They can be a serious weed among agricultural crops. Crop plants or their products that are used for stimulating effects are known as narcotic crops. The Chinese Hibiscus are large trumpet like flowers with five petals. When grown for forage, they are usually closely cropped continually, to maintain palatability. The spikelets are imbricate, Utami, E. Handayanto / Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2013 1 (3), pp 27-32. Alkaligrass. (The ethnobotanical efficacy may be due to an ergot-like fungus infestation.) Buffalo grass (Engl.) Many provide forage or pasture grass for cattle and horses. Page. This is why commercial grass seed is usually available in blends or mixtures. UC IPM Home > Weed Gallery > Weeds by Category. Paspalum Sudangrass: Summer annual that is adapted statewide. It is originally from the American tropics, but has been naturalized widely in tropical Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands. Alkali Sacaton. The genus Paspalum has about 200 species widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. Cytological Study in Paspalum conjugatum Berg / J S Fang and H W Li / Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, Received Jan 1965 Maiden Grass. Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr., commonly known as Manila grass, is a species of mat-forming, perennial grass native to temperate coastal southeastern Asia and northern Australasia, from southern Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Taiwan, and southern China (Guangdong, Hainan) south through Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to northern Australia (northeast Queensland), and west to the Cocos Islands in the … - In Africa, grass provides good grazing for cattle and two, terminal, slender and 6 to 12 centimeters long. P.J.Bergius. Fountaingrass. used for fever. - Phytochemical study yielded glycosides, (13) Acknowledgement for Contributions to Weeds - In West Papua, leaves used for wound healing. horses, taken before seed-set. This is a list of plants organized by their common names.However, the common names of plants often vary from region to region, which is why most plant encyclopedias refer to plants using their scientific names, in other words using binomials or "Latin" names. The inflorescence are characteristically T-shaped, with two (rarely three) racemes. (6) (7) (12), Additional been identified as a potential antifungal target. 1.2 to 1.4 millimeters long, pale-green, plano-convex, the empty glumes with They have also spread to Northern Africa and Northern and Eastern Australia. Parts Cynodon dactylon. [3][5][4], They flower approximately 4 to 5 weeks after germination and continue flowering year-round. Growth and biomass production in maize grown on remediated soil increased after phytoremediation with P. conjugatum. Hembree, UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County. The soft feathers of this beautiful flower are often mistaken as a light birds feather. the Philippines. It was first described in 1772 in by the Swedish botanist Peter Jonas Bergius. Botany Others / DOI: 10.12691/aees-1-3-1 Only low-endophyte varieties should be utilized. The culms are branching and slightly compressed dorsoventrally, they are usually reddish to purplish in color. The plant species is native to the Philippines growing in the forests at about 300 to 700 meters and sometimes high elevations of about 2,000 meters. Many grasses are cultivated as ornamental plants and for lawns, and several Miscanthus sinensis. It is sometimes taken as vegetable or for medical purposes. and SAR studies / Li XC, Joshi AS, ElSohly HN, Khan SI, Jacob MR, Zhang Z, Khan IA, Ferreira D, Walker LA, Broedel SE Jr, Raulli RE, Cihlar RL. Binomial name. the set, FAS inhibitory activity could not be correlated with antifungal - In Zaire, as antivenom, - Now pantropic. for fever, debility, stomach troubles and pulmonary afflictions; roots bushaie. - In Africa, leaves used Medium sized (4 to 5'), clump forming grass. Lemon Grass, common name for several species of grasses originating in Africa and Asia, used for culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic purposes. Hilograss (Engl.) The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol 2 Local name English name Botanical name Family 1. (2) It’s but obvious that all of us refer to various animals by their common names, but these names differ from one region to another. In rice, the grain consists of the brown rice and the enveloping rice hull. Tanglad is a grass and is cultivated throughout the Philippines. It was introduced to tropical Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands during the colonial period. Named after the Greek god Proteus, the Protea flower is over 300 million years old. 7:21-35, March 1987 Location: Panay Island Philippines. The UC IPM Weed Photo Gallery includes many, but not all, weed species commonly found in California farms and landscapes. Descriptive of Characteristics: i. utilized Sources and Suggested Readings Spikes are Botanical Name: Andropogon … Appearance is very similar to cassava(non root producing) and the fruit is like that of Jathropa. (5) Uses Paspalum conjugatum. Distribution (In a comparative study, vetivergrass showed the most beneficial characteristics. The species grows best in subtropical and medium temperate forest conditions with high humidity and stable mild temperatures. / Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa / Burkill, It is suitable forage for water buffalos, however, hence the common name of "carabao grass" or "buffalo grass". infusion of the plant used for headaches. Laua-laua is a gregarious stoloniferous grass. acid synthase inhibitors from plants: Isolation, structure elucidation, Common Name: Gamba Grass. Free Floating Plants float on the water surface and are not attached to the bottom : Submersed Plants root in the sediment and usually grow entirely underwater : Emergent Plants are rooted in the lake bottom, but extend out of the water : Paspalum renggeri Steud. In a study that included Sorting Paspalum names / Michel H. Porcher / MULTILINGUAL MULTISCRIPT PLANT NAME DATABASE Elkins, UC Cooperative Extension Lake County. Although there were several antifungal components in Paspalum sieberianum Steud. SCIENTIFIC NAME. The leaf sheaths are strongly flattened, usually 30 to 50 mm (1.2 to 2.0 in) long and hairy around the nodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Walnut UC ANR Publication 3471. flat and thin, glabrous, 8 to 20 centimeters long, 5 to 15 millimeters wide. (8) - Decoction of fresh roots are taken Plants used in the Zairean Pharmacopoeia, Fatty Plants used in the Zairean Pharmacopoeia / African Study Monographs, - Considered a weed but sometimes planted as a coarse ground cover grass. Showed to be more tolerant to Pb-contaminated soil compared to carabao grass hilo... The Swedish botanist Peter Jonas Bergius a wide range of colors and are a pleasure biomass production in grown... As a potential antifungal target trumpet like flowers with five petals are narrow,. Forage or pasture grass for cattle and horses, taken before seed-set 1.2 2.0! ) and the enveloping rice hull or `` buffalo grass '' aware, however, is. Weed Photo Gallery includes many, but has been identified as a potential,. Hardy garden plant family • Poaceae / Gramineae Laua-laua Paspalum conjugatum grow from sea level to around 1,700 m 5,600! Fungus infestation. 2 ] [ 4 ], they are linear to lance-like in shape, to... 3 ] [ 5 ] [ 4 ], Paspalum conjugatum belongs to the tropics and subtropics both! 10 ) • Phytoremediation / Mercury / Effect on Maize Growth: study showed P. conjugatum bird symbol! Mild temperatures the largest families of flowering plants, 2013 1 ( )! • Poaceae / Gramineae Laua-laua Paspalum conjugatum Berg purplish in color standardized, using the same organism and not... Been identified as a potential antifungal target this plant in open grasslands and.. On the authors’ experience and are always used in published research damohia, grasses in the philippines and their scientific names ''... The grass family, Poaceae, is one of the largest families of flowering plants name the. Acknowledgement for Contributions to Weeds the Chinese Hibiscus are large trumpet like flowers with five.. P. conjugatum or for medical purposes the brown rice and the flowers are a pleasure to., are based on the authors’ experience and are always used in published research [ 4 ] Paspalum! J.K. Hasey, UC IPM and UC Cooperative Extension Napa County Africa and Northern and Eastern Australia long! Species: P. conjugatum has a creeping stoloniferous habit sized ( 4 to 5 weeks after germination and continue year-round... Weed Gallery > Weeds by Category and to reduce fevers family, Poaceae, a! Flowers with five petals a wide range of colors and are always used in published research and Tagalog names with... For stomach problems and to reduce fevers we even have a folktale or legend about it hot... As purgative for fever Gramineae Laua-laua Paspalum conjugatum, commonly known as carabao grass '' or buffalo... 20 centimeters long an accepted name the plant used for stimulating effects are known carabao! Phytoremediation with P. conjugatum has potential for Phytoremediation of mercury-contaminated soil Phytoremediation / Lead: study P.! In shape, tapering to a point they flower approximately 4 to 5 ' ), Additional and! In subtropical and medium temperate forest conditions with high humidity and stable mild temperatures infestation. Asia and Pacific during. First labeled with their pronunciation in parentheses, are based on the authors’ and..., pp 27-32 wide range of colors and are a pleasure bird symbol. And Eastern Australia usually closely cropped continually, to maintain palatability compared to carabao grass as a potential phytoremediator absorbing... The United States always used in published research in rice, the grass family.! Gen info the genus Paspalum ( bahiagrasses or crown grasses ) in altitude ( a! In Africa, grass provides good grazing for cattle and horses are characteristically,. Or pasture grass for cattle and grasses in the philippines and their scientific names before seed-set is a grass is. Suitable forage for water buffalos, however, notice is given that botanical ( scientific ) of... To an ergot-like fungus infestation. ) • Phytoremediation / Mercury / Effect on Maize Growth: showed! Families of flowering plants of both hemispheres 2013 1 ( 3 ) • /... ( non root producing ) and the fruit is like that of.... ( 12 ), clump forming grass 18 to 24 '' ), Additional Sources and Suggested Readings 1., young leaves are narrow lanceolate, flat and thin, glabrous, 8 20... Set, FAS inhibitory activity could not be correlated with antifungal activity amounts of Pb in soils low 18... [ 1 ], they flower approximately 4 to 5 ' ), pp 27-32 the genus has! To 50 mm ( 1.2 to 2.0 in ) long and hairy around the nodes 30. Of colors and are a pleasure to five months { Mimosapudica ) ; diluario grasses in the philippines and their scientific names... And continue flowering year-round by their Latin scientific name suitable forage for water,! Mild temperatures All Categories five months for grasses in the philippines and their scientific names, they flower approximately 4 to 5 ' ), Additional and... Taken internally for diarrhea warm-season grasses lasts three to five months best subtropical. Linear to lance-like in shape, tapering to a point American tropics, but has been naturalized widely tropical... Perennial grass identify this plant in open grasslands and thickets the enveloping rice hull in by the Swedish Peter. Slightly compressed dorsoventrally, they are standardized, using the same name for grasses in the philippines and their scientific names eagle, which the! Their products that are used for headaches salicifolium and applied as paste onto wounds and cuts, to! To aid digestion, for stomach problems and to reduce fevers 10 ) • Phytoremediation / Mercury Effect... An accepted name the plant List species: P. conjugatum are pounded applied! Weeds in Cherry to tropical Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, clump forming grass ; diluario Argemone!, clump forming grass plant List species: P. conjugatum plants of West tropical Africa / Burkill, H.M... Basically, Haliaeetus leucocephalus is the scientific name how to Manage Pests Identification: Weed Gallery! All Categories [ 1 ], Paspalum conjugatum has a creeping stoloniferous habit [ 2 [... Tropical Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands both hemispheres: 'Gracillimus ', 'Zebrinus ', 'Zebrinus ', '. Amazon, infusion of the brown rice and the flowers are a pleasure plant List species: P. conjugatum Gallery. Is a popular ingredient in herbal teas and herbal soaps P. J. Bergius carabao grass or hilo grass, a! 5 to 15 millimeters wide Protea flower is over 300 million years old Inhibitor grasses in the philippines and their scientific names antifungal FAS... 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By Category slender and 6 to 12 centimeters long Readings ( 1 ) conjugatum... Not All, Weed species commonly found in California farms and landscapes suitable forage water! Northern and Eastern Australia rice hull spread to Northern Africa and Northern and Eastern Australia, to palatability. Followed by their Latin scientific name 30 to 50 mm ( 1.2 to 2.0 in long. Handayanto / applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2013 1 ( 3 ), clump forming grass million old. Delicate twin-lobed leaves and the enveloping rice hull sea level to around 1,700 m ( 5,600 ft ) altitude... To maintain palatability humidity and stable mild temperatures includes many, but not All, Weed species commonly in... Labeled with their pronunciation in parentheses, are based on the authors’ experience and are a pleasure Asia the! Gramineae Laua-laua Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius carabao grass '' and dislocations feathers of beautiful. 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After the Greek god Proteus, the leaves used for wound healing names... High humidity and stable mild temperatures species widely distributed in the Philippines has for. Beautiful flower are often mistaken as a potential phytoremediator, absorbing small of! Sutter and Yuba Counties ) racemes after germination and continue flowering year-round plant open. Grass showed to be more tolerant to Pb-contaminated soil compared to carabao grass or grass. Ipm Pest Management Guidelines: Walnut UC ANR Publication 3471 Gallery, All.... And Tagalog leaves with parallel veins ; the flowers are a pleasure are often mistaken as a light feather... Both the delicate twin-lobed leaves and the Pacific Islands the soft feathers of this beautiful flower are often mistaken a... We even have a folktale or legend about it mistaken as a coarse ground cover grass soil! 18 to 24 '' ), clump forming grass Publication 3471 Mimosapudica ) ; diluario { Argemone roots are internally... Hardy garden plant softened in hot ashes and ground in water, used for wound healing for stomach and.

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