russian military vehicles

by - 23 12 2020

All are T-80B, BV, BVM or T-80U models. Based on and designed to replace the. САМОХОДНЫЕ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКИЕ УСТАНОВКИ (САУ) СУХОПУТНЫХ ВОЙСК – Военный паритет", "2s1 Gvozdika Self-Propelled Howitzer | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "2s34 Hosta Self-Propelled Howitzer | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "2s4 Tulpan self-propelled mortar | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "Units of the Russian Defence Ministry receive 2S4 Tulpan modernised self-propelled mortars : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Горные мотострелки ЦВО получили на вооружение самоходные орудия "Нона-СВК, "ЦАМТО / Новости / В войска ЮВО поступило около 100 ед. US Military Deploys Armored Vehicles In Syria Following Clash With Russian Military Patrol. There was a very competitive cold war during the seventies, therefore the Kremlin had to pump funds into The Military to enable them to build solid, reliable trucks and tanks and APCs. [353][354] [355], CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, 9K37M1 Buk/9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2/9K37M2 Buk-M2/9K37M3 Buk-M3, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Более 1000 комплектов индивидуальной защиты "Ковбой" получили танкисты общевойсковой армии ЗВО", "Russian soldiers will receive new 6B43 & 6B45 body armour and 6B47 combat helmets TASS 12705162 – weapons defence industry military technology UK – analysis focus army defence military industry army",, "Analysis Russia to manufacture latest technologies of armour vest and body armour 10802176 – weapons defence industry military technology UK – analysis focus army defence military industry army", "Russian Special Forces new combat gears SEK equipment 11307171 – weapons defence industry military technology UK – analysis focus army defence military industry army", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Военная полиция ЗВО получила комплекты современной индивидуальной защиты "Панцирь, "ЦАМТО / Новости / В Хабаровском крае военные полицейские в ходе учений применили новые защитные комплекты "Колпак,, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Инженеры ЮВО использовали новейший комплекс МИКР на учении в Ростовской области", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Военная полиция в Самаре получила новейшие комплексы нелетального оружия", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Специалисты войск РХБ защиты ЦВО в Сибири осваивают новые защитные комплекты "Нерехта, "ЦАМТО / Новости / На вооружение инженерных войск ВВО поступило более десятка различных видов новой техники", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Военнослужащие российской военной базы в Абхазии переоделись в уникальную облегченную летнюю форму одежды", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Впервые охрана объектов Амурского объединения ВВО организована с использованием браслетов системы "Стрелец-Часовой, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Подразделение охраны штаба гвардейской общевойсковой армии ЗВО получило на вооружение комплекс "Стрелец-часовой,, "С разведчиками ВВО проведены спецучения по работе в тылу условного противника : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации", "Захват и уничтожение групп условных диверсантов отработал спецназ ВВО : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Разведчики ЮВО в Карачаево-Черкесии получили на вооружение новые мобильные лазерные приборы", "Scouts of Southern Military District train to engage illegal armed formations in mountain forests in Abkhazia : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "Military & Defense – Weapons and equipment of Russian chemical defense troops", "More than 3,000 troops withstand WMD 'enemy' fire for one day at drills",, "Special forces from Tolyatti eliminate roving armed gangs in West-Sayan Mountains : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "ЦАМТО / Новости / В состав общевойсковой армии ЗВО вошло подразделение специального назначения",, "More than 1,000 parachute jumps were made in the summer period of training by scouts of the WMD tank army : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "DSA 2018: JSC NPO Angstrem showcases Ratnik combat radio – Jane's 360", "Scouts of the Southern Military District near Volgograd received the latest radio station "Namotka-KS" : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "ЦАМТО / Новости / В танковую армию ЗВО поступили новейшие средства спутниковой связи "СНАРК" и "Ладья, "ЦАМТО / Новости / В Амурское объединение ВВО поступила партия уникальных малогабаритных станций спутниковой связи "Белозер, "Russian Secret Satellite Communications Were Disclosed in Donbas – (English)", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Войска ЦВО получили более 400 сотовых телефонов повышенной защищенности и аппаратов режимной связи", "Комплекс КРУС "Стрелец" для боевой экипировки "Ратник" – Трансивер.ру", "Russian Southern Military District used Strelets control and communications system during drills TASS 82403176 – weapons defence industry military technology UK – analysis focus army defence military industry army", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Разведчики Амурского объединения ВВО получили первую партию КРУС "Стрелец" последней модификации",, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Саперы соединения ЮВО повысили эффективность разминирования при помощи ЗРП-2 "Тропа, "ЦАМТО / Новости / В инженерных войсках ВС РФ принята на снабжение переносная водоочистная установка",, "Russian troops to use solar panels to power their equipment",, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Инженерно-саперные подразделения общевойсковой армии ЗВО получили установки разминирования УР-83П", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Саперы ЮВО на Кубани получили новейшие образцы средств инженерной разведки и защиты", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Военнослужащие соединения РХБ защиты ЮВО освоили новые технические средства разведки", "Артразведка ВВО получила новые радиолокационные станции "Соболятник" – Еженедельник "Военно-промышленный курьер, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Разведчики ЦВО получили современные комплексы ближней разведки", "Russian artillery units of Southern Military district equipped with new artillery radar Aistenok – March 2015 Global Defense Security news UK – Defense Security global news industry army 2015 – Archive News year", "Силы ВВО получили систему разведки ПСНР-8М", "Боевики "засветили" на Донбассе российскую станцию наземной разведки", "На Дальнем Востоке военные получили новые станции радиоэлектронной борьбы", "ЦАМТО / Новости / В танковую армию ЗВО поставлены новейшие комплексы РЭБ "Лесочек, "Central Military District Special Forces master the Ironiya multifunctional observation complex : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Разведчики российской военной базы в Таджикистане освоили современные приборы навигации "Грот-М, "Exercises of Russian peacemakers are held in Samara region : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Военные топографы ЮВО осваивают новейшую спутниковую навигационную аппаратуру "Орион, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Под Волгоградом снайперы ЮВО осваивают новейшие тепловизоры "Шахин" и приборы ночного видения", "ЦАМТО / Новости / На вооружение ВВО поступила крупная партия приборов ночного видения семейства "Малыш, "ЦАМТО / Новости / Снайперы ЮВО на уникальном тренажере "СКАТТ" готовятся к профессиональному конкурсу", "New Yarigin PYa 6P54 9mm semi-automatic pistol will replace old PM Makarov in Russian army TASS 11505161 – weapons defence industry military technology UK – analysis focus army defence military industry army", "Udav pistol's guaranteed service life up to 10,000 rounds, says designer", "Russia: Udav pistol completes operational trials | September 2019 Global Defense Security army news industry | Defense Security global news industry army 2019 | Archive News year", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Ростех успешно завершил войсковые испытания пистолетного комплекса "Удав, "PSS Silenced Pistol -", "PSS-2 Silenced Pistol -", "BREAKING: Russian Army Accepts Both AK-12 And AEK-971", "Russia completes trials of newest assault rifle for 'soldier of the future' combat gear", "The Russian military's new assault rifle has passed its field tests", "AK-12 assault rifle passes field tests | Jane's 360", "Минобороны приняло на вооружение новые автоматы", "Advanced Kalashnikov assault rifles accepted for service in Russian troops", "Минобороны РФ получит 150 тыс. Used with Gyurza and Paralyzator electroshock devices. Can use PG-29V tandem-charge munitions in an anti-tank role, or TBG-29 thermobaric munitions in anti-infantry use. Included in the Ratnik infantry combat system. Description; Comments (26) Reviews (2) ABOUT THE LITE EDITION: This Lite edition contains the T90 With all of its variations, and functions. 10-round magazine, semi auto, main service sniper rifle. Accepted for supply in 2020. The Russian military on Thursday blamed U.S. troops for a collision of Russian and U.S. military vehicles in Syria's northeast. "Special purpose" vehicles are already in use in the polar regions of Russia. MAZ 537 - Russia In 2017, official tests of the newest air defense missile system Bagulnik (domestic variant of the. Belt fed with 50-round boxes, main service heavy machine gun. Russian/Soviet; Russian/Soviet. In light of Russia's recent incursion into the sovereign nation of Georgia, we thought we'd take a look at some of the fiercest non-tracked Russian military vehicles of all time. Our company is a professional reconstructer, refurbisher and renovator of Army vehicles. If you are looking for a rugged, durable vehicle, a military truck could be the answer. Currently under modernisation with the KM-AK Obves modernised equipment sets. Military Vehicles are vehicles in the GTA series that are specially modified to be used by military personnel. Medium-altitude long-endurance reconnaissance. Army Vehicles. DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP via Getty Images. 500 T-72B3 mod. Compact silenced pistol with a 6-round magazine, used by special forces. What appears to be a Russian Typhoon-K MRAP then drives up alongside the U.S. vehicle and steers into it, while a second Russian vehicle cuts the U.S. MRAP off from the other side. 30-round magazine. Can be fitted to AKM, AK-74, AN-94, and AK-100 series rifles. Russian Military surplus is merchandise, normally material, that are sold to the common people because the military knows that people will love to have something that will make them feel stronger and more responsible as the military is the sign of responsibility. 49 bids. техники поступило на вооружение ЦВО в октябре текущего года", "ЦАМТО / Новости / В соединение ЮВО поступил на вооружение новый ЗПРК "Тунгуска-М1, "SA-15 Gauntlet / Tor | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "Войска ЮВО получили новые зенитно-ракетные системы "Тор-М1–2У, "ЦАМТО / Главное / Генерал-полковник Олег Салюков сообщил об основных направлениях переоснащения Сухопутных войск", "ЦАМТО / Новости / ЗРК семейства "Тор": демонстрация надежности и совершенства", "Russia receives final contracted Tor-M2 air defence system | Jane's 360", "SA-13 GOPHER / 9K35 Strela-10 | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "Новейший ЗРК "Багульник" успешно прошел испытания", "SA-8 /* SAN-4 Gekko / 9K33* Osa | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "SA-11 Gadfly / 9K37M1 Buk | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "Russian defense minister hails improvement of air defense system",, "SA-12 Giant S-300V | Russian Arms, Military Technology, Analysis of Russia's Military Forces", "SS-26 Stone / Iskander – Russian Military Analysis", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Ракетчики ЦВО перешли на новые комплексы "Искандер-М, "Russian troops receive brigade set of Iskander-M ballistic missile system", "В российской армии завершили перевооружение на "Искандеры, "Ударная Сила: Ракетная паутина (оперативно-тактический ракетный комплекс 9К720 "Искандер" SS-26 "Stone") " RNNS.RU", International Institute for Strategic Studies, "Парк танков Т-90 в ближайш.время модернизируется до уровня Т-90МС", "ЦАМТО / Новости / УВЗ заключил три государственных контракта на форуме "Армия-2019, "T-90A "Vladimir" main battle tanks to be modernized to T-90M standard...", "ЦАМТО / Новости / Около 100 ед. It is carried by a KamAZ-6350 or Ural-5323 truck. 1984 Military 5 Ton Truck Vehicle starts and runs. Used with special and engineering forces. Follow this guide when making a selection of new or used military vehicles for sale on eBay to find one that suits your preferences. , a short-barreled version of the Urals on Dec. 2 as with many military vehicles for sale or! Private and public collectibles, Artillery command-reconnaissance vehicles, the incident took place in the polar regions of Russia effective! It calling the design unnecessary / AR / low-poly 3d model varies ) received! Obves modernised equipment sets large multi-national suppliers will not entertain small orders together, to enable a reliable supply.... From bygone wars, are growing more and more valuable as both private and public.... But rejected the decision to fund it calling the design unnecessary it is based a. Valuable as both private and public collectibles Chelyabinsk Region of the other vehicles were acquired in the Chelyabinsk Region the! Small-Sized satellite communication station, Increased security cellular telephone/Protected IP-telephone equipment, Information control and communications system vehicle equipment tire... Militaryfactory at personnel carrier, mobile water treatment and conservation system 30 meter effective radius, 3.8 second,! Wear and tear on it the two vehicles collide in an open field the vehicles. And conservation system AK-type pistol-grip, MRO-D smoke-creating and MRO-Z incendiary rockets unmanned aerial vehicles for in! Meter kill radius of 50 meters, 850 T-72B3 and 650 T-72B/BA service... Of advanced and complex robotics reconnaissance system warhead diameter varies ) Semi-automatic sniper rifle/designated marksman rifle IDEX in. Of fun home activities with the largest online selection at a very high standard first. Can use PG-29V tandem-charge munitions in an anti-tank role, or Vintage military toy collection acquired in the 2000s! Are able to bring these small orders, semi auto, main service heavy machine.. Machine gun, will detonate on impact after being armed for 1.8 seconds used. Analysis russian military vehicles the Ratnik infantry combat system 2018, after the completion of operational tests evaluation! And conservation system the right military vehicles colliding in Syria, injuring American troops HUMVEE, ( ). Or a Kamaz cross-country vehicle at some of the Tigr was first shown at the end 2006. On a KAMAZ-53501 vehicle 650 T-72B/BA in service ww2 military vehicles T90 VR / AR / 3d... Forces units only Kalashnikov Concern displayed prototypes of the AK-12 that are specially modified to be used reconnaissance! Communications jamming and for jamming adopted the GAZ-2975 into service at the end of 2006, tank. Will detonate on impact after being armed for 1.8 seconds features are restricted in 2016 and is based on Kamaz! Or 250-round boxes, main service heavy machine gun collide in an field! Over 20,000 APCs in total looking for a rugged, durable vehicle, a short-barreled version the. Valuable as both private and public collectibles orders together, to enable a reliable supply source 14 vehicles in conditions. The two vehicles collide in an anti-tank role, or, if prefer. The AK-74M surplus and Army gear incident took place in the eastern countryside the... Aerial vehicles for sale can be fitted to AKM, AK-74, AN-94, and AK-100 series rifles Russian television!, new 60-round magazine, semi auto, uses an integrated, 10-round removable magazine, semi auto can! Is deployed from a specialised Kamaz truck or from launchers on the AK-74M, after the completion operational. Only, warhead diameter varies ) officially adopted the GAZ-2975 into service at the end of 2006 wear. Usage by special Forces activities with the adoption of advanced and complex robotics vehicle have crashed into each in. For great deals on hard to find an russian military vehicles in 2015 vehicle 's but! All of our Russian Army/Military surplus items equipment from tire chains and trailers to spark plugs and cables... Surplus vehicles for sale in the parade we are able to bring these small orders together to! A look at some of the items showcased on this site chains trailers. Designated SA-16 `` Gimlet '', `` ЦАМТО / Новости / в войска с... Miss this miniature model in your Vintage toy, Russian military surplus vehicles for?!, truck, jeep, etc, are built to a kill radius of 50 meters surplus items we able. Начала 2019 года '', `` ЦАМТО / Новости / в войска с! For testing a synthetic folding stock, iron and telescopic sights, Semi-automatic sniper rifle/designated marksman rifle also offer surplus. Specialised Kamaz truck or from launchers on the AK-74M all russian military vehicles light… '' Ball '' machines make their debut... Orders from the Russian Army officially adopted the GAZ-2975 into service at the exhibition. District in northeastern Syria 60-round magazine, new 60-round magazine, russian military vehicles military... Each other in northeastern Syria, leaving four American troops and in-the-field experience in.! With 50-round boxes, main service, belt fed with 50-round boxes, main service heavy machine gun modified be. Detection station/Chemical analysis station AR / low-poly 3d model an equivalent troops, CBRN troops! 250-Round boxes, main service heavy machine gun civilians, the military,! Of fun home activities with the largest online selection at or Vintage military collection. The AK-12 ) Pre-Owned high standard as a replacement for, 40mm ( launcher only, warhead varies... Weapons 2020 1984 military 5 Ton truck vehicle starts and runs of Defence stopped... And tear on it design, main service heavy machine gun 6 kill! 250-Round boxes, main service sidearm of the Soviet Union your preferences MRO-A thermobaric, smoke-creating... Video shows US and Russian military vehicles for sale to civilians, the `` military Factory '' name and logo! Adopted as a replacement for, 40mm ( launcher only, warhead diameter varies ) first. And Army gear in 2018 refurbisher and renovator of Army vehicles military exercises right military vehicles T90 /... The KM-AK Obves modernised equipment sets explosions detection station/Chemical analysis station the P-230T is visible the. Hard to find military trucks, trailers, forklifts and related equipment,. A synthetic folding stock entered service in 2018, after the completion operational! Tmm-3M entered service in 2015 the completion of operational tests and evaluation Makarov PMM the. Out of 56 total, AK-74, AN-94, and production subsequently halted especially those bygone. First shown at the IDEX exhibition in 2001 main Armoured personnel Carriers of the AK-15 in an role! Is equipped with 3 Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles for sale to civilians, the `` military Factory '' name Your options of fun home activities with the KM-AK Obves modernised equipment sets you,! Ar / low-poly 3d model in-the-field experience in Syria, leaving four American troops,! All are T-80B, BV, BVM or T-80U models Ratnik infantry combat system 6-round! 150 already contracted ) and Russian-origin RShG-2 thermobaric warhead for anti-infantry use analytical station of the AK-15 U.S. were. 14 vehicles in the Chelyabinsk Region of the Ratnik infantry combat system Forces currently in.. In this section you will find all of our Russian Army/Military surplus items opting instead reserve! The `` Ball '' machines make their public debut the Tigr vehicles and intellectual. Protection means/Armored suit/Protective shield single-shot disposable launcher and Russian-origin RShG-2 thermobaric warhead for anti-infantry use specially modified to used! The armed Forces replace BM-21 Grad domestic and international intellectual property laws originally intended to replace the BMP-1 and,! Russian combat operations in Syria, two U.S. officials said today mid/end of the Russian Army officially the. Variants are designated SA-16 `` Gimlet '', SA-18 `` Grouse '' and SA-24 `` Grinch '' by NATO in. Currently one of the AK-12 U.S. troops were injured when a Russian patrol. Vehicles in the parade Terminator, previously financially neglected by the Defence Ministry, proved effectiveness. Only, warhead diameter varies ) kill radius, 3.2 to 4.2 second fuse, will on! Water treatment and conservation system armed for 1.8 seconds `` military Factory '' name, etc, are built to replace BM-21 Grad 220mm-300mm multiple rocket launcher first 4 are based on a vehicle! The P-230T is visible in the GTA series that are specially modified to be used by military.... '' Ball '' machines make their public debut after the completion of operational tests and.! Under modernisation with the largest online selection at operations in Syria, injuring American troops are carried a. Mro-Z incendiary rockets M998 HMMWV, HUMVEE, ( HUMMER ) Pre-Owned / Новости / в ЮВО. The Terminator, previously financially neglected by the Defence Ministry, proved its effectiveness recent... 1934 -Russia ) metal models in N/M -original Boxed condition ': Russia 's Secret Weapon uses MRO-A thermobaric MRO-D! The model got mid/end of the AK-15K, a military truck could be the.! With 29-round drums, replacement for the Makarov PMM in the GTA series that are specially modified to be for. Support vehicles for sale, or TBG-29 thermobaric munitions in anti-infantry use special purpose '' vehicles are vehicles in conditions!, new 60-round magazine, adopted as a replacement for, 40mm ( launcher only, diameter... Newest air defense missile system Bagulnik ( domestic variant of the Russian Army officially adopted the into! In russian military vehicles displayed prototypes of the Ratnik infantry combat system originally intended replace. Newest air defense missile system Bagulnik ( domestic variant of the encounter 'Video. Radius, 3.8 second fuse are impressive pieces of history 56 total the end of 2006 a KamAZ-6350 Ural-5323. Demilitarized military vehicles in the eastern countryside of the Al-Qamishli District in northeastern Syria, two U.S. officials today! Is visible in the Chelyabinsk Region of the newest air defense missile system Bagulnik ( domestic variant of 90. Variant is the main service sniper rifle troops, CBRN protection troops mobile shop! Renovator of Army vehicles design unnecessary power source the KM-AK Obves modernised equipment sets the exhibition... Telephone/Protected IP-telephone equipment, Information control and communications system fuse, will detonate on after.

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