thomism vs molinism

by - 23 12 2020

At this point in my theological development, I’m not really either a Thomist or a Molinist. I myself am a Molinist (a Congruist within that framework of thinking, to be exact). 493–495. Could a knowledgable person please describe, for a layman, the difference between the Molinist and Thomist views of predestination? The Christmas Cookie and the Christmas Star. Other sorts of discussion can be really interesting, but can leave a person confused where the boundaries are. If Molinism is true, it is possible for a creature to exercise complete control over another person’s (non-derivatively) free action. It tries to steer a middle path between Calvinism and classic Arminianism, by reconciling God’s providence and human freedom via a doctrine called “middle knowledge”. Molinist, or neither. Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. A novel which illustrates this quantum molinism is Connie Willis’ excellent _To Say Nothing of the Dog_. But it denies that the damned are predestined to hell (“double predestination”). Basics of Thomism I’d also like to recommend C.S. John Lennon: Christian Right Before His Death? Based on your post above, I think that you would really enjoy a book called “Modern Physics and Ancient Faith” by Stephen Barr. It appears that the Molinist view doesn't work since Thomism can preserve freedom and perfect sovereignty (not even mentioning the other problems with Molinism); the Thomist view seems inadequate insofar as it is not clear what God's antecedent will is, this being a willing apart from God's efficacious, absolute, and simple will. Thomas Aquinas. A simple interpretation of QM is that the Schroedinger equation (or the Klein-Gordon equation) allows for nature to be perfectly deterministic in the propagation of wavefunctions between observations by an intelligent observer, but in each observation there is some intrinsic randomness. Molinism vs Thomism. Nor can many Lutherans (who are Arminians) comprehend that Catholic soteriology (theology of salvation) is non-Pelagian, because we believe in things like merit, penance, and purgatory. They are not fundamentally incompatible. …or other permitted Catholic schools.” ... molanis strategy builder crack molanisk slayer task molinis molinism vs thomism molinism roses. It’s not true. Thomism poses a distinction between “essence” and “existence.” It posits that God alone is absolute and all other things are finite and imperfect. Speaking of which, just a saw a little gem: Benny and Joon (1993?). Calvinism, Molinism, Arminianism, and Open Theism: monergism/synergism at the macro and micro levels. View all posts by Jimmy Akin. The key points on which the two groups diverge (the Molinist acceptance of middle knowledge, the Banezian acceptance of physical premotion) involve very complicated philosophical theses about knowledge and causation. Sometimes Thomists accuse Molinists of being semi-Pelagian, and Molinists accuse Thomists of being Calvinists in “predestination soteriology,” but this is untrue as well, and the Church has stated that neither side can anathematize the other. J+M+J. What do you think of Pontificator’s thoughts? More generally speaking, all beings of the same genus have the same essence, and so long as they exist, only differ by accidents and substantial form. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999) pp. nexus 2 crack ... Molanis Strategy Builder is probably the most advanced graphical .... Molanis full cracked. I’ve done some of it, too, as anyone can see, and it’s fascinating, but the emphasis I place on it is very low in my priorities as a Catholic and general Christian apologist. We don’t feel the need to resolve every deep issue in theology, like Protestants often do, with their interminable internal controversies. What is the essential belief that Catholics must hold? The theological claims of the Protestant Reformers, especially the unbending views of John Calvin, made such … Calvinists also unfairly accuse Arminian Protestants (including Lutherans) of semi-Pelagianism. I’ve heard this from modern Dominicans as well; Molinists are considered “Thomistic” in the broader sense of the term, as opposed to the narrow use of “Thomist” refering to a specific school of Thomistic thinkers of the day. At some point I may have the leisure, or the personal motivation, to do a systematic review of this area, but thus far I have not. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. These tendencies appear particularly in Calvinist writings, and in reading them one often gets the feeling that a system is being imposed on the data of the text rather than being derived from it. If the former were semi-Pelagian at all, the Church would have condemned it along with the ancient heresy. 16 And the free gift is not like the result of that one man’s sin. For example, many of the key terms connected with salvation–"redemption," "justification," "sanctification," and even "salvation" itself–occur in Scripture with more than one meaning. He is the one and only pure expression of essence, substance, and existence. schools of thought, and I wanted to know where you If that comforts you. The question in my mind is how predestination works. Also, send me the Catholic Newsletter and special offers. What are the others? Thomas Aquinas posited that God had natural knowledge—knowledge of the potentials of the world (the way things operate)—and free knowledge—knowledge of what will come (otherwise known as simple foreknowledge. I’ll check out the Catholic Encyclopedia shortly. – Best Blog by a Man It’s also worth remembering that one standard Molinist contention — from the very beginning — is that Thomas Aquinas’s view of predestination leads to Molinism and not to Thomism, which would be perhaps better called Banezianism, after Domingo Banez, one of the great commentators on Aquinas; and that the dispute between the two groups sometimes had as much to do with the … How does anyone “choose God”? So, ultimately, the controversy between the Thomists and the Molinists is a controversy about the interpretation of St. Augustine and St. Thomas. If you look in Ludwig Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, you’ll find additional schools listed. I can’t resist asking if anyone has studied whether the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics (QM) would tend to push someone toward Thomism, Molinism, or another pole in the debate. Catholics break down into two camps on the predestination issue: Thomism and Molinism. Ed Peters, Therefore, only God has an essence identical to His existence. There are more urgent priorities in research that I need to pursue than trying to settle my views on highly complex, highly debatable matters of this type. This article is part of a series on Molinism.. Calvinism has been summarized in the acronym TULIP, while Arminianism has been summarized in The Five Articles of Remonstrance (one guess on which camp is more oriented to accessible, memorable teaching :). They are not the only two, however. "The most famous distinctive in Molinism is its affirmation that God has middleknowledge (scienta media). Given the practical orientation of my work–which involves defending the liberty of opinion that Catholics have rather than trying to prove one particular school of thought correct–I have not had the occasion to do that research. Philosophy. – Best Apologetics Blog The saved persons choose to accept God’s grace for salvation, entirely by God’s grace. We all know you are a tried and true Deppist. 15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. Whereas Thomism derives the infallible success of efficacious grace from the very nature of this grace, and assumes consequently the grace to be efficacious intrinsically (gratia efficax ab intrinseco), Molinism ascribes the efficacy of grace to the free co-operation of the will and consequently admits a grace which is merely extrinsically efficacious (gratia efficax ab extrinseco). The flaw in Cajetan’s reasoning, at least as it seems to me, is that he carried the notion of causation beyond its analogical limits, effectively making God a cause among causes (or a being among beings) in near-Scotist fashion. ... no trouble choosing a sound in an instant and without spending time. This means that our prayers at this point in time (C) are heard outside of all time, and therefore, the events necessary to occur in order for Z to happen will have been put into effect all the way back at A. I am particularly suspicious of strategies that attempt to handle biblical language as if it did not contain a large amount of ambiguity. If we seek God (and the very seeking is necessarily and always caused by God), He will give us the enabling grace to refrain from sin, and to follow Him as well, all the way to salvation. Molinism doesn’t present any insuperable obstacle to this question. Molinism has been controversial and criticized since its inception in Molina's concordia. Molinism deepens our understanding of God's omniscience (that is, God's knowledge). If anything, I think St. Thomas’s use of efficient causality is a prime example of how we can use analogous concepts meaningfully without being limited by them, a lesson that I think is reinforced by quantum mechanics. Molinism and Thomism and control over others. The fact that the alphabet runs from A to Z is both a natural occurance (in that one logically follows the next), but is also a miraculous event, in that God ordained (or even pre-ordained) it so. My curiosity is no doubt related to my ignorance of what distinguishes Thomism from Molinism, etc. However, many people are not completely satisfied with either pole, esp. Seeing as the Incarnation and the Eucharist are similar types of miracles, it would stand to reason that if QM could “explain” the Eucharist, then it could “explain” God becoming man. Molinism is also based on the idea of middle knowledge. From what you put on your blog I think you are a bit of both, I admit I have read very little of Molina, but you inform without prejudice It’s also worth remembering that one standard Molinist contention — from the very beginning — is that Thomas Aquinas’s view of predestination leads to Molinism and not to Thomism, which would be perhaps better called Banezianism, after Domingo Banez, one of the great commentators on Aquinas; and that the dispute between the two groups sometimes had as much to do with the bickering between Thomistically-inclined Jesuits (who largely followed Molina) and the Dominicans (who largely followed Banez on this point) over which of the two were carrying forward the authentic tradition of St. Thomas as it did with actual Church teaching on predestination. James White examines "Middle Knowledge" (a doctrine of Molinism) in light of a recent response from William Lane Craig. Pope Clement VIII in order to settle the dispute convened in Rome a Congregatio de Auxiliis (1598-1607), and to this the Dominicans and the Jesuits sent, at the pope's invitation, their ablest theologians. This led me to write A Tiptoe Through TULIP, to help illustrate the degree to which Calvinistic thought is compatible with Catholic thought. I recently read this from Romanus Cessario’s A Short History of Thomism. Both choices are fully permissible. After all, the special status of the “intelligent observer” in the interpretation above implies that human persons can initiate chains of causality, at least by making “observations”. After the congregation had been in session for nin… The knowledge is said to be “middle” because they are contingent truths, the truth-value of which God does not control (as opposed to natural knowledge, which is necessary, and free knowledge, which is contingent knowledge of the actual world that God does, in fact, control the content of). I wanted to post it here in full to see specifically what Catholics thought. But I digress… Check out Miracles. It can’t comprehend God predestining alongside human beings with free will. So it’s not really the sort of topic on which any of us can say much without extensive research. Lewis basically propounds a view that, since God is outside of time and space, “causation” as we see it doesn’t really apply to prayer, because we believe that B follows A and C follows B, but we also believe that we can pray for Z to happen. Click Here to read as a PDF. Serious Consequences for Catholic Non-Voters,, Jimmy: But maybe, just maybe, God’s hand in it all was in answering all the prayers from 1917 to 1991 by bringing into existence a man named Karol Wojtyla. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. The Catholic teaching is neither Pelagian (basically, “salvation by works”) nor semi-Pelagian (saved partially by our own self-generated works), though we are constantly falsely accused of this by Calvinists and even in the Lutheran confessions. Currently I don’t have strong opinions regarding which of the permitted Catholic positions on the relevant issues are correct. But we do make that choice, and this is presupposed in the Bible (and Catholic theology), along with the absolute necessity of grace and predestination of the elect. “Quantum entanglement would also provide a modern explanation of the eucharist, though I am in no position to say whether or not it is heretical.” This is why I really find your blog helpful, that practical orientation. Most Dominicans I know fall squarely into the “Molinist” camp, and use St. Thomas’ teachings to explain and defend that position. Both systems hold similarities with some stark differences. When are you going to acknowledge your 3 Blog Award Wins: The lynchpin of Molinism: Middle Knowledge. At the same time, one could say that the future is predestined by causes originating outside of nature but nevertheless determining the result of each observation. Quantum entanglement would also provide a modern explanation of the eucharist, though I am in no position to say whether or not it is heretical. It seems to me that the Catholic could hold hypothetically the truth of QM, so long as he admits that God may suspend the rules of nature to reveal truth through miracles. I wasn’t aware that there were other Catholic schools of thought, besides the Augustine, Thomist, or Molinist views. Catholic Predestination, Molinism, & Thomism in a Nutshell. nota bene: I’m on the other side of the Tiber, so take with a grain of salt as far as application to Catholic theology is concerned. I am a new convert to the RCC: I was just wondering whether you were a Thomist, Jimmy God bless! Molinism is the view that, from all eternity, God knew not only what every free agent will do in the future, but also what they would do in any other possible circumstance God could have been placed them in. Anyway, because QM is a scientific theory, it can never be proved that QM is the true description of nature (though QM might be ruled out as a candidate by some future experiment). I can’t resist asking if anyone has studied whether the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics (QM) would tend to push someone toward Thomism, Molinism, or another pole in the debate. The Dominican Order which espoused strict Thomism criticized that novel doctrine and found fault with the scientia media , which they think implies passivity, which is repugnant to Pure Act. But let’s keep in mind what the lesson is here: our real conceptual limitations do not translate into conceptual limitations on reality. This post is a compilation of six sources of Norm’s comments on Molinism: Geisler, Norman L. “Molinism,” in Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics. They can’t wrap their minds around those things as grace-caused and grace-soaked, and so they (in their own “official” confessions) accuse us of Pelagianism too. I have long wanted to write a companion piece exploring just how far away from Calvinism you could get and remain within the bounds of Catholic teaching as well, though I have not had the leisure to do so. Molinism is a system of thought that seeks to reconcile the sovereignty of God and the free will of man. If efficient causality played a role in St. Thomas’s approach to predestination, then I wonder about whether the observations leading to the formulation of a theory like QM would render his argument less powerful, or whether they would have no effect at all. To ultimately settle what I think about many of these matters, I’d have to conduct an extensive review of the biblical literature and how thought on this question has developed over time. Molinism says that God provides the Grace and the person either says yes or no. Original image was taken by ESO’s VISTA Telescope (7-1-13). So, Molinism is false. The popes, although leaning initially heavily in favor of the Thomist resolution, which favored more literally Augustinian conclusions, nonetheless … Aristotelianism is also a scientific theory which is why both the Orthodox and Lutherans have qualms about using Aristotelian language for the conversion of the elements in the Eucharist. Calvinism vs Open Theism vs Molinism vs Arminianism Calvinism vs. Arminianism vs. Open Theism vs. Molinism First off, let me begin by asking you to comment and let everyone know what your current belief system is regarding God's predestination, foreknowledge, and foreordination. Question: "What is Molinism and is it biblical?" Helix Nebula: 700 light-years away from earth. The heart of Molinism is the principle that God is completely sovereign and man is also free in a libertarian sense. William Most in his book “New Answers to Old Questions.” You can find the complete text here: Thus I’m better at explaining the boundaries of Catholic teaching and what particular biblical verses might mean than what school of thought (if any) is correct and what the relevant verses definitely do mean. It is not possible for a creature to exercise complete control over another person’s (non-derivatively) free action. God, being omnipresent and omniscient, collapses the wave form, all the time, throughout the entire universe, thus as it is written “He upholds and sustains the universe by the power of His word.” Those usually generate far more heat than light. His is a distinct position from theirs. But that doesn’t substitute for actual metaphysics, and to think that QM is going to do metaphysical work that it can’t possibly do is just the sort of materialism that plagues modern society. Apologetics. Thomism can definitely help in this department. In addition to agreeing with the Aristotelian definition of man as "the rational animal," Aquinas also held various other beliefs about the substance of man. Is this close? Its presuppositions don’t allow that. The debate is still ongoing, and Rome remains undecided on questions whether election is unconditional or not, or whether man’s will is free in the libertarian or compatibilist sense. Yes, I want the Patheos Catholic Newsletter as well, Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. Photo credit: Helix Nebula: 700 light-years away from earth. – Most Informative Blog This is the one that I always thought of as being closest to physics. 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