what is the meaning of psalm 118

by - 23 12 2020

His love never faltered. '” (vv. psalm definition: 1. a holy poem or song, especially one of the 150 collected together in the Bible 2. a holy poem or…. In verse 21 the psalmist (and the people) acknowledged the salvation which Yahweh had given them. The Psalmist of Psalm 118 refers to this being the day the Lord has made. 11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me. Yahweh’s dwelling place in the temple was the Holy of Holies (also known as the Most Holy Place). ; and Briggs, Charles A., The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1906, 2004), Doniach, N.S. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006-2009), VanGemeren, Willem A. A reverential fear of God and a … This  understanding is reinforced by verses 10-13, which speak of a great battle or battles in which Yahweh gave Israel the victory over many nations. Psalm 118 does not name an author in its title, but there is reason to believe it was King David, the Sweet Psalmist of Israel. - Psalm 118:24. Yahweh is the name of the God of Israel. Psalm 118:1 "O give thanks unto the Lord." 12 They surrounded me like bees. ), The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 5 vol. Maybe even unintentionally, we start to lose our focus and forget our calling. What can man do to me? "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself" The Great Hallel Psalms (120-136) offer praises of a more general nature. Situations were changing. In that verse, Jesus is the rejected stone which was made the cornerstone. To be able to say, “You are my God,” is a life changing affirmation. We might be facing the toughest of times right now, but the truth is this, He's still given us breath for today. Reverence for the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and detest instruction. “Save us now, we beg you, Yahweh! Traditionally, the Hallel (from the familiar word “hallelujah” meaning “thank God”) is sung before and after the Passover meal. Whether physical or spiritual, light is a blessing. It is probable that David penned this psalm when he had, after many a story, weathered his point at last, and gained a full possession of the kingdom to which he had been anointed. These appear to be the words of a priest who is prepared to confer a blessing on the worshiper or the congregation. It is marvelous in our eyes?” (Matthew 21:42). for his loving kindness endures forever. Perhaps the psalmist intends it to mean the sacrifice which would be offered at a festival. Psalm 118:6, KJV: "The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" It's not written when times are good, but when times are really hard. The right hand of Yahweh is exalted! And we can be assured that in His grace, He has made every day, and for that gift itself we can “rejoice and be glad in it.” No matter what we face, we can still believe in God’s goodness and love, for that’s what carries us through the most difficult of seasons. “The gates of righteousness” would have been the gates of the temple, where the righteous God dwelled. It’s easy to get caught up in the cycles of busyness and responsibilities. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Today we shall be studying psalm 100 meaning verse by verse. However, others could access other parts of the temple––and come near to the presence of God. Such a powerful reminder to us: True joy is never dependent on our circumstances. the LORD … He also calls out to the nation to rejoice with him. The central chapter of His entire word points to His Son, Jesus. We want to provide easy to read articles that answer your questions about the meaning, origin and history of specific verses within Scripture context. 2 Let Israel say:. Count your blessings, see what God has done.”  Those who follow that program will find strength for their journey. You are my God, I will exalt you. 26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh! Psalm 118:6 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 118:6, NIV: "The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.What can mere mortals do to me?" People shouted, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,” and waved their branches high. The word sedeq (righteousness) has to do with meeting high ethical standards. KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT. that his loving kindness endures forever. Psalm 118:17, KJV: "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." Bind the sacrifice with cords, even to the horns of the altar. 6 Yahweh is on my side. What Is Purgatory and Is it in the Bible? Psalm 118:5-7. Everyone who does right may enter this gate. We will rejoice and be glad in it! But the need for salvation is ongoing. Ps 118:4 is a chorus; the whole procession, the living: and the dead who are raised to meet Christ (1Th 4:16), shout aloud the burden of the song, Ps 118:1. … And Jesus is our Redeemer as well. There is a call to praise the Lord (verses 1-30). The Book of Psalms is the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and a book of the Christian Old Testament. He promised, “I will remember my covenant with Jacob; I will remember also my covenant with Isaac and also my covenant with Abraham” (Leviticus 26:42). Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever." You are my God, I will exalt you” (v. 28). 3 Let the house of Aaron now say "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." He has become my salvation”  (Hebrew: yesuah) (v. 14). The psalmist intends light to mean spiritual rather than physical light. The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us. In its ancient Jewish context, Psalm 118 was most likely an entrance liturgy to the Temple, used at the festival of Passover. The psalmist calls Israel to speak the truth about Yahweh. The Hebrew Scriptures use it occasionally for other gods, but most often for the God of Israel. There Yahweh sat on the Mercy Seat atop the Ark of the Covenant. And the verse at the very center of the Bible is Psalms 118… PSALMS 118 Other translations - previous - next - meaning - Psalms - BM Home - Full Page PSALM 118. The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. A prophecy fulfilled. Definition of psalm 118 in the Definitions.net dictionary. for his loving kindness endures forever. If there had been no danger, Yahweh would not have saved Israel––and Israel would have no reason to give thanks. The Psalmist goes on to refer to this day that the Lord has made, and many agree that this is a direct reference to Christ, especially within the framework of the verses given. Yahweh, we beg you, send prosperity (Hebrew: salah) now” (v. 25). Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's Facebook page, for daily encouragement in living strong, free, hope-filled lives. He then invites and stirs up his friends to join with him, not only in a cheerful acknowledgment of God’s goodness and a cheerful dependence upon that goodness for the future, but in a believing expectation of the promised Messiah, of whose kingdom and his exaltation to it … In the Greek Septuagint … To get what Psalm 118:25 means based on its source text, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , … Jesus gave the Parable of the Vineyard and the Rebellious Tenants to the chief priests and elders (Matthew 21:33-40). There are exactly 594 chapters before Psalm 118, and exactly 594 chapters after it. Yet right in the midst of huge struggles shared, this chapter both starts and ends with the same verse, of giving thanks and praise unto God. Jesus is so crucial for our lives today. (19-29) 1-18 The account the psalmist here gives of his troubles is very applicable to Christ: many hated him without a cause; nay, the Lord himself chastened him sorely, bruised him, and put him to grief, that by his stripes … The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine upon us. (1-18) The coming of Christ in his kingdom. ), Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2006), Renn, Stephen D., Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words: Word Studies for Key English Bible Words Based on the Hebrew and Greek Texts (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2005), Richards, Lawrence O., Encyclopedia of Bible Words (Zondervan, 1985, 1991), Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob (ed. "Take Every Thought Captive" Psalm 100 is known as a psalm for thanksgiving, and exhortation of praise to God.This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy, and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time when all people shall know that the Lord he is God and shall … “‘The right hand of Yahweh does valiantly! Yah has punished me severely, but he has not given me over to death” (vv. When you add the number of chapters before Psalms 118 and those after, the sum is 1,118. The Bible reminds us that Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life,” and that “no one comes to the Father, except through Christ,” (John 14:6). 20 This is the gate of Yahweh; Psalm 118:17, NASB: "I … The Hebrew word yah is an abbreviated form of Yahweh (the name of God, often translated “the Lord.”)  It is found twice in Exodus (15:2; 17:16), once in Isaiah (38:11), and a number of times in the Psalms. Praise the Lord for answering my prayers and saving me. "Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go" These words may sound familiar because some of them are also repeated in the Gospels with Christ’s triumphant journey into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19). "Be Strong and Courageous"  It’s interesting to note also where this chapter is located in the Bible. For most people, the right hand is the dominant hand––the strong hand––the hand that wields a sword. than to put confidence in princes. In that parable, the master planted a vineyard, leased it to tenants, and sent servants to collect his portion of the fruit. Therefore I will look in triumph at those who hate me. PSALM 118 MEANING VERSE BY … "Egyptian" means that they made the *Jews think of what God did in Egypt. They are essential to understanding this psalm, because they tell of the potential disaster from which Yahweh saved them. This was from the Lord. Here is the gate of the Lord! because He is great (verses 4-6), and because He cares for the poor and needy (verses 7-9). that his loving kindness endures forever. In the name of Yahweh I indeed cut them off. Then doesn’t it make sense that this central place in His word gives us the answer in how to live out our lives with the freedom and joy He alone can offer? The word hag means feast or festival. 17-18). 17 I will not die, but live, 24 This is the day that Yahweh has made. Jesus then said: “The stone which the builders rejected, He led them from Egypt hundreds … This article is part of our larger resource library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. The psalmist counts himself as righteous  He says that he will enter these gates of righteousness so that he might give thanks to Yahweh. "Eye for an Eye" The Psalm continues with this, “O Lord, save us, O Lord, grant us success. “The right hand of Yahweh does valiantly. Psalm 118 is also read throughout the Feast of … v. 1,29, Image Credit: ©Thinkstock/torwai/eduardo-dutra. 10 All the nations surrounded me, Psalms 113-118 are recited verbatim by observant Jews on all Jewish holidays involving communal salvation, most especially Passover. The capstone is the very center stone at the top of an arch; it is truly what holds all the other pieces together. The psalmist is calling Israel to acknowledge the blessings that they have received at his hand. This verse quotes Exodus 15:2, which is part of a song that Moses and Israel sang when Yahweh saved Israel from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea. In Israel, that would have meant adherence to Torah law. One of the chief characteristics of God is that his love endures. but in the name of Yahweh, I cut them off. This is part of Israel’s song of rejoicing. They know that the threat of addiction is ongoing. But as believers, we know that our lives are hidden with Christ in God, and because of that, every day is “His” day. and declare Yah’s works. Yahweh is all those things. He said, “They, the house of Israel, are my people…the sheep of my pasture” (Ezekiel 34:30-31). The content of Psalm 113 is simple. Chapter 118. Psalm 118:17, ESV: "I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD." When they sinned he punished them, not to destroy them but to redeem them. This is an allusion to a building, as if a stone should be cast away by workmen as unfit to be worked into the edifice. Without Him we would surely fall, He is the only One who can put back together all the broken pieces of our lives. Read more about them in the notes on Psalm 113 in this set of psalms. “I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation” (v. 21). Psalm 118 – The Chief Cornerstone. 5 In danger I called on the LORD;. The word ‘el means god. 25 Save us now, we beg you, Yahweh! There are more Hallels in Psalms 135 and 136, but they are not Egyptian. Again, verses 10-13 (above) give a picture of the crisis and the resolution. Psalm 118:6, ESV: "The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.What can man do to me?" The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. This is a Hallel (praise) Psalm––one of six Egyptian Hallel Psalms that were recited during the Passover and other major Jewish festivals. Such a day speaks to the arrival of Christ on earth as a baby where He will later as an adult dies in place of sinners for their sin. Yahweh renewed that covenant with Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 2:24; Leviticus 26:42); Moses (Exodus 6:4-5; 19:5; 24:7-8; 25:21); David  (2 Samuel 7:16; Psalm 89:2-4; 105:8-11); and Israel (Jeremiah 31:3-4, 31-37). Peace to you all, as you live this day with His huge power and grace. “Open to me the gates of righteousness (Hebrew: sedeq). With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar.” Psalm 118:25-27. Copyright © 2020, iBelieve.com. Verses 10-13 (above) show that this occasion for thanksgiving was, indeed, a military one. All rights reserved. “Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good,” (Hebrew: tob) (v. 1a). than to put confidence in man. Is it the general “every day” that God gives us, or is it referring to a specific day in history? MEANING OF PSALM 91, VERSE 3 AND 4 SIGNIFICANCE: ‘SURELY HE WILL DELIVER YOU OUT OF THE TRAP OF THE BIRD-HUNTER, AND THE PESTILENCE. A national psalm of thanksgiving, it apparently accompanied a procession into the temple, probably that of a thanksgiving offering. “and he has given us light” (v. 27b). However, they continue to pray for salvation and prosperity (or success or victory). Sometimes our need for salvation from a certain quarter can be lifelong. 14 Yah is my strength and song. Jesus is that gate through which all of us can be saved. This verse is often quoted today as recognition that the Lord has given us the day, and we should rejoice in it. He is gracious and compassionate. 23 This is Yahweh’s doing. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh!” (v. 26a). “The gate of Yahweh” acknowledges that the temple gates ushered the faithful into the presence of God. "I Can Do All Things Through Christ" Psalm 118:17 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 118:17, NIV: "I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done." The grateful hero feels that he cannot himself alone sufficiently express his thankfulness, and therefore he calls in the aid of others. In Psalm 118, the author is writing about incredible adversity. (2) It also confirms that this psalm is calling Israel to give thanks for the salvation which they received. “Bind the sacrifice (Hebrew: hag) with cords” (v. 27c). “The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1979-1988), Brown, Francis; Driver, S.R. “The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous” (Hebrew: saddiyq ) (v. 15a). 4 Now let those who fear Yahweh say To come in the name of the Lord means identifying oneself with the Lord in such a way that one’s identity is tied together with the Lord’s identity. But because of Israel’s covenant relationship with Yahweh, Israel was small and mighty, a fact reflected by the victory outlined in verses 10-13). Jesus asked what the master would do to those tenants, and the chief priests and elders replied, “He will miserably destroy those miserable men, and will lease out the vineyard to other farmers, who will give him the fruit in its season” (Matthew 21:41). O give thanks to jehovah, for be is good; because his mercy is for ever. He is the One who is the capstone of the church, the body of Christ, both now and forever. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Commentary for Psalms 118 . Situations were changing. Without it, the arch would definitely fall. In English translations, YHWH usually is translated “the Lord.”. “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (118:24). The Psalmist cried out to God in anguish, he was surrounded on all sides by the enemy. Learning to choose joy in hard times takes effort and action on our part; it requires our hearts to be set on Him. (Hebrew: hayil). ), Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000), Mounce, William D., (ed. And so it is with us. Calling on the name of the Lord requires allegiance––commitment––faith. “with cords, even to the horns of the altar” (v. 27d). Read to learn the meaning of Psalm 118:5–6: No matter what distress we are in, there's nothing to be afraid of as long as we pray and rely on God. his mercy endures forever. So what is the “day” that Psalm 118 makes reference to? Yahweh’s relationship with Israel began with his covenant with Abram, which took place long before Israel became a nation (Genesis 12:1-3). The whole nation was concerned in David's triumphant accession, … Verses 10-13 (above) give some idea of the kinds of dangers that Israel faced. In the very center. This psalm begins with a call to worship––”Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good.”  In the second verse, it continues, “Let all Israel say that his loving kindness endures forever.”  These verses indicate that this is a call to corporate thanksgiving (thanksgiving by the worshiping community rather than just the individual). Psalm 15 defines righteousness as doing what is right––speaking truth––abstaining from slander and evil––despising those who are vile––honoring those who are faithful to Yahweh––keeping oaths even when that is difficult––refusing to lend money at interest or to take a bribe against the innocent. The two Psalms, 117th and 118th, are placed together because, though each is a distinct portion in itself, the 117th is an exordium to that which follows it, an address and an invitation to the Gentile and heathen world to … This verse repeats the entreaty of verse 1. These verses tell us what those who have been saved are saying (or, more likely, singing). Our word hallelujah comes from the Hebrew words hallel (praise) and yah (Yahweh or God or the Lord), so it means “praise the Lord.”. II. He felt pushed back, and about to fall. 4 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996), Ross, Allen P., A Commentary on the Psalms, 90-150, Vol. The psalmist surely understood the two possibilities, and may have used ‘el deliberately to convey both meanings. The stone that builders tossed aside has now become the most important stone. Jesus came to give us hope and freedom, He’s the very reason we can live with joy right in the battles and have peace that is unexplainable to the world. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the LORD say: “His love endures forever.” When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. The shortest chapter of the Bible falls just after this center chapter-- Psalm 117. I will give you thanks, for you answered me, you have become my salvation. The right hand of Yahweh does valiantly!”. This is a difficult verse. The changes of person in the psalm indicate that it may have been recited antiphonally, through the following explanation is admittedly … but he has not given me over to death. This is a Hallel (praise) Psalm––one of six Egyptian Hallel Psalms that were recited during the Passover and other major Jewish festivals. Worshipers recited Psalms 113-114 at the beginning of the service and Psalms 115-118 at the end (one source says 113-116 before and 117-118 after). 1 Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, Our need for salvation never diminishes. They welcomed Christ into their city and worshipped before Him. “This Is the Day that the Lord Has Made” – The Amazing Meaning of Psalm 118, 6 Ways to Protect Your Peace This Christmas, 30 Christmas Prayers and Blessings for Family and Loved Ones, Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff, "Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go", California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. God is faithful to help us, so that we can choose well. The builders were the religious leaders such as the chief priests, elders, scribes, and Pharisees. HE WILL COVER HIM WITH HIS FEATHERS, AND UNDER HIS WINGS HE WILL BE SECURE, FOR HIS TRUTH WILL BE SHIELD AND DEFENSE’ Interpretation: The meaning … “This is the gate of Yahweh; the righteous will enter into it” (v. 20). "Do Not Fear" "God is Love" The resolution resulted from Yahweh’s mercy. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever!” (28-29) This psalm is the last of the Hallel. Psalm 118 is a very important Messianic psalm that points directly to God, Whose goodness and grace lasts forever, and it identifies JESUS as Israel's Messiah, Who has become their strength and stay. but Yahweh helped me. Psalm 118 has been and is an extraordinarily important psalm in the history of Judaism and Christianity. It is our hope that these will help you better understand the meaning and purpose of God's Word in relation to your life today. 7 Yahweh is on my side among those who help me. This verse pictures a celebration in the tents of the righteous, whom God has saved. And it is written, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24. The natural response to these kinds of promises is to give thanks and to exalt the benefactor. 3 Let the house of Aaron say,. It might seem odd that, having received salvation (v. 21), they now pray again for salvation. Luther considered verse 17 to be “a masterpiece,” and he asserted that “all the saints have sung this verse and will continue to sing … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 118… 19 Open to me the gates of righteousness. 8 It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, PSALM 118:25. A saddiyq (righteous one) is a person who lives in accord with God’s law and God’s will. Many of us may have heard this verse over long years. PSALM 118 * Hymn of Thanksgiving I. 9 It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, and Kahane, Ahuvia, The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1998), Fohrer, Georg, Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament (SCM Press, 2012), Freedman, David Noel (ed. The Egyptian Hallel Psalms commemorated the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery. The word yesuah means salvation or deliverance from distress or danger. Ezra 3:10-11 suggests that Psalm 118 was sung at the founding of the second temple, and when they sang it, they attributed it to David (“according to the ordinance of David … We will be studying the book of Psalm 118 meaning verse by verse. his mercy endures forever. 15b-16). “We have blessed you out of the house of Yahweh” (v. 26b). All of this, just days before their hearts would turn against Him, and He would lay down His life for the world. The right hand is a symbol of power and authority (Exodus 15:6, 12; Nehemiah 4:23; Psalm 18:35; 20:6; 21:8; etc.). The figure would then be applicable to anyone who, for any purpose, was rejected. The ones that apply in this verse are prosperity, success, or victory. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and all who follow His instructions have good insight. “This is the day that Yahweh has made. He's with us and will never leave or fail us. 16 The right hand of Yahweh is exalted! And isn’t that just like God? that his loving kindness endures forever” (v. 2). Those who have walked in spiritual darkness know that it is even more dangerous than physical darkness. An old gospel song says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. I will not be afraid. It is marvelous in our eyes” (vv. In the name of Yahweh I cut them off. That is a sound program for maintaining a healthy and happy life. In Psalm 118, the author is writing about incredible adversity. We have nothing in the Old Testament to corroborate that priests did that. The word hayil (valiantly) is often used in a military context. 27 Yahweh is God, and he has given us light. He then goes up to express his gratitude to his helper. His love covers us, He gives us the strength to face every trial and obstacle with courage and grace. This is the only mention of Israel in this psalm, but it does two important things:  (1)  It identifies Israel as the recipient of the salvation mentioned in verses 10-13. Psalm 118 is a magnificent illustration of God bringing life from the dead. He referred to these exact words in verses 22-23 when He spoke of being rejected by His own people (Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10-11, Luke 21:17). It was Martin Luther’s favorite — “My own beloved psalm,” as he put it. Both meanings make sense. Design Credit: ©Rachel Dawson. 21 I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me, A hymn of thanksgiving, it was a favorite of Martin Luther who claimed it as “his” psalm. ), which the WEB has updated. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:20-24, Photo Credit: @Unsplash 22 The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner. Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). This Psalm has been applied by our Church to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. At the burning bush, God told Moses, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Exodus 3:6). , context verse phrases and quotes instead of the house of Aaron now say that his love covers us or! Where this chapter is located in the notes on psalm 113 in this verse Jesus. Quoted today as recognition that the Lord rather than to put confidence in princes the hand––the! Four corners of the righteous were fit to enter the gates of righteousness so that he might give thanks you. Who help me sent his Son, and to exalt the benefactor this in our eyes ” v.! To choose joy in hard times takes effort and action on our part ; it requires our hearts to able! That gate through which all of this, “ you are my God, recount! Christ ’ s dictionary of the corner the enemy is located in the of... Hand, join in the midst of huge … chapter 118 1 give thanks unto Lord. Understood the two possibilities, and a lot of pets ) sent his Son, Jesus is that love... 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