pholtus favored weapon

by - 23 12 2020

We've already been saving your edits, so if you The followers of Pholtus are known to be missionaries and are very persistent in their pursuit of converting others to their faith. Both can be found, with description and domain spell breakdowns, in The Complete Divine. For the most part, materials which did not specify a setting were assumed to be at least compatible with the World of Greyhawk if not outright parts of the canon. He rides a mighty ki-rinsteed named Star Thought, and is also associated with eagles. They are known to make wagers on nearly anything, and enjoy taunting the followers of such rigid deities as Pholtus, Saint Cuthbert, and Allitur. The anthem of the worshippers is “O Blinding Light”; the church has three ascending orders: Glimmering (preferring white garments), Gleaming (preferring white and silver), and Shining (preferring white, silver, and gold). Which Greyhawk deities in 5e do we need? Their favored weapon is the dagger. - Celestian, the Far-Traveled, is an Oeridian god, and he is also called the Far Wanderer, and is brother to Fharlanghn. Celestian is a favored deity of good-aligned members of evil nonhuman races; while their eyes are unable to tolerate daylight, they find acceptance and hope in the light of the stars Alignment: N (NG) Weapon: Shuriken. Favored weapons are the Dagger and the Short Sword. The Sovereign of Betrayal and Bloodshed, The Mockery represents dishonorable combat and unjust war. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. To serve as a cleric of Pyremius, you must be neutral evil and choose from the Destruction, Evil, and Fire domains. Knowledge, Magic, Repose (Psycopomp), Travel, Void. Pathfinder Traits. Meanwhile, the Harmonium are often quite pleased to work alongside a Pholtan inquisitor in the field, especially the rare Sin Eater within their ranks. Titles: of the Blinding Light The more active and inquisitory efforts are managed by the Templars of the Church Militant, as well as roaming High Legates authorized to act on behalf of the church and impress locals as needed for their purposes. Holy Symbol: Full moon partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon 130 Pathfinder Wiki Aksha Details Alignment LE Pantheon Rakshasa Immortals Areas of Concern N/a Domains Animal, Evil, Law, Trickery Favored Weapon Kukri: Akuma Horned King Source Book of the Damned pg. Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff Weapon of the Deity Spell: +1 flaming quarterstaff Domains: Glory, Good, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Purification, Sun. Most of the local efforts are managed by the church's body of clerics and lay members. Priestly vestments include chain mail and blue robes with silver trim. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. JavaScript is currently disabled. Rank – has also been abbreviated due to space considerations: GG = Greater God ... Pholtus: LG, LN: God of Light, Resolution, Law, and Order. His signature weapon is a great magical battleaxe, though he has recently taken to the longsword. Several deities were killed in the events that followed, including the goddess Murdane, a death for which Helm never forgave Lathander. The short spear is her favored weapon. Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerûnian pantheon in his own image. Shimmering golden runes that move and change cover his attire. Domains: Glory, Good, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Purification, Sun. Temples and rituals. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual. Rhaeowyn is the patron deity of horses and all those on the road. Areas of Concern/Portfolio: Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons The deity of magic, Boccob, appears as a handsome man of indeterminate age clad in loose purple garments. Al'Asran is said to have granted the legendary Cup and Talisman to Al'Akbar.As of \"The Complete Divine\" two more domains were added to Pelor's Jurisdiction: The Community and Glory Domains. These clerics get along well with conservative paladins. Weapon of the Deity Spell: +1 flaming quarterstaff When not preaching, they act as judges, lawyers, and arbiters. He carries the Staff of the Silvery Sun, an ivory object shod in … He carries the Staff of the Silvery Sun, an ivory object shod in silver and topped by an electrum sun-disk. Ever willing to pass over the defeats of today to f… The short spear is her favored weapon. He appears as an older but regal human man with a golden hair and beard, which he allows to grow long and wild, and clad in shining white robes. They are quick to spread word of their faith to any heathens, criminals, the poor, or anyone who happens to be nearby. He is gentle, and inspires loyalty in his followers. Celestian is Neutral Good, but his worshipers may be any alignment of good. Full priests are called the Glorious or, collectively, the Valorous Host. Their favored weapons are the longsword and battleaxe. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff. Despite this, however, there are those who find appealing either his beliefs or his followers' singular devotion to the Law. Warforged and Bladeforged treat Spear of the Mournlands (quarterstaff) as their favored weapon. With that staggering amount of gods in the setting we need to ask ourselves the question. Before his ascension to godhood Kelemvor was a human fighter named Kelemvor Lyonsbane, who was best known for his association with the adventurers Adon, Cyric, and Midnight, the latter two of which also later became deities. The largest focus of the church itself is solidifying order and purging disorder; this can take the form of supporting government efforts, recording the laws and histories of the lands, tending to the sick or less fortunate, or driving inquisitions to unearth or destroy chaotic influences. He is known as the Master of All that is Secret and Hidden, the Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, and the Undying King. You should check them out. The Solnor Ocean is named for him.Among the Bakluni, Pelor is known as Al'Asran. 0 Comments The Tome of Ebongleam, a cult of Pholtus. This page was last edited on 30 March 2019, at 11:23. Origin of Worship: Oeridian He is armed with three magic weapons: a sword named Freedom's Tongue; a spear called Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom; and a scepter known as the Baton of Retribution. As with Saint Cuthbert, he is a lawful, good deity with strong lawful neutral tenden¬ cies, and there are no neutral good clerics in his church. Fanaticism in the name of the Blinding Light is praiseworthy, and Law’s champions shall be rewarded in the era when chaos has been vanquished.” This church does not have much respect for those of other religions, especially chaotic ones. So well-suited to the Harmonium way of life are the Pholtans that his faith has actually found minor foothold upon Ortho itself. Frey is popular among the the gods of Asgard. Obad-Hai (oh-bod-high), deity of nature, is most often shown as a lean and weathered man of indeterminately old age, dressed in brown or russet and looking like a hermit, although nonhuman communities depict him as one of their own race. The domains she is associated with are Good, Knowledge, Sun and Travel. A fertility god, he is also famously lusty. Realm. Rhaeowyn (Chaotic Good) - Goddess of travel, wanderers, and luck. The domains she is associated with are Good, Knowledge, Sun and Travel. Frey spreads cheer … Pelor was known as Sol by the early Oeridians, who named the Solnor Ocean after him, whilst the Bakluni kno… Heironeous appears as a tall human man in fine chainmail with auburn hair. The church of Pholtus is led by the Theocrat, or Supreme Prelate of the Pale, the lifetime-appointed leader of one of Oerth's nations, while doctrine and policy, as well as the selection of the Theocrat, is determined by the Council of Nine, another political organization in that same nation. Before 3rd Edition, there was no Core Setting, so the distinctions above are not as clear-cut. They smite chaos where they find it, and Evil once chaos is rooted out. Plus, you get a 15-day free trial, so there's nothing to lose. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual. Clerics of the Blinding Light are expected to bring the word to unbelievers, and brook no argument against this practice. He often appears with three summoned animals which serve him without question: Nemoud the … His domains are Good, Knowledge, Law, and Sun. Despite their restriction to a single Prime world even while Pholtus's faith slowly spreads through the planes, they are still considered the heads of the church in whatever realm it may be found, with all branches of the faith expected to foll… Vecna is considered the most powerful and the most evil lich in history. Saint Cuthbert is a foe of many evil deities, including Iuz and Vecna. Pholtus is a harsh and unbending deity and that has made him few friends in the multiverse. upgrade now Alignment: LG (LN) The deity himself, as with most Oerthian powers, rarely manifests directly as an avatar, instead communicating with his followers through messages and symbolic manifestations, often taking the form of a sudden bolt of insight bringing the solution to a problem or an urging towards those in need of the guidance of Pholtus. Favored weapon is the longsword. Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff Weapon of the Deity Spell: +1 flaming quarterstaff Domains: Glory, Good, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Purification, Sun. Radiant S… Rank: Intermediate Deity The church of Pholtus is led by the Theocrat, or Supreme Prelate of the Pale, the lifetime-appointed leader of one of Oerth's nations, while doctrine and policy, as well as the selection of the Theocrat, is determined by the Council of Nine, another political organization in that same nation. The Morninglord believed that his efforts went so wrong because of the interference of agents of Shar, and secretly began working on a second … “The One True Way is a strict path, but guarantees rightness. Such a statement draws a great deal of ire from the various peoples of the planes, especially the followers of the innumerous other deities across the multiverse. He particularly despises the Oeridian wind gods and is opposed by St. Cuthbert. All citizens receive some form of weapons training every year for two weeks, and every able-bodied citizen serves in a militia for a year once they turn 18. Such members of the church are divided into three orders reflecting their position in the body heirarchy: in order of rank, the Glimmering Order, marked by their pure-white robes; the Gleaming Order, marked by the addition of silver trim and accessories; and the Shining Order, marked by the addition of golden trim and accessories. Weapon – On Oerth deities may and often do have multiple favored weapons. His law. His holy symbol is a full moon (Luna) partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon (Celene). Though fairly insignificant cosmically, Pholtus and his followers tend to have a level of passion matched by few others. Favored Weapon Sawtooth sabre: Aksha Second Breath Source Book of the Damned pg. Show no tolerance for those who do not give all for the cause of Law. The Fraternity of Order finds much in common with those Pholtans who put studying the law over enforcing it, and sharing a plane with the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment brings much opportunity for the two to cooperate. Gender: Male One of Oerth's most significant powers, Pholtus has seen little general attention on the planes, in large part due to his faith's profession that there is no divinity but Pholtus; similar to the Athar, they preach that the only true power is Pholtus and all others are pretenders to the claim. ... the King of the Ghouls. He is known in some circles as The Betrayer and was once a member of the triumvirate of combat deities; his betrayal led to his flaying and banishment from the Sovereign Host. Her enemies include Pholtus and Rao, and her portfolio of blood and vampires brings her followers into conflict with the worshipers of Kanchelsis, the Lord of Vampires. Despite their restriction to a single Prime world even while Pholtus's faith slowly spreads through the planes, they are still considered the heads of the church in whatever realm it may be found, with all branches of the faith expected to follow their direction. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific (425) 250-0800. [email protected] Pholtus’s worshippers often include judges, lawmen, and clerics, all of whom are encouraged to root out chaos and disorder wherever they see it. His worshipers include assassins, rogues, and evil warriors, as well as the infamous Flayed Hand. When he does manifest, his most common form is that of a slender human male in gleaming white robes, hair equally white and eyes shining with a pure, bright light that seems to cleanse the soul; other aspects of his appearance vary widely from manifestation to manifestation, including age, specific features, and skin tone. Pathfinder Domains. Pholtus (FOHL-tus) is a stern Oeridian guardian of unbending Law, depicted as a tall, slender man in a white robe, with fair skin and hair, and eyes that shine with the fires of devotion. Inwardly sensitive and kindhearted, Kelemvor nonetheless exhibited a gruff and dark-mooded exterior as a way of coping with the unusual curse that had befallen his family. A deity of the Flan people of Oerth, Pelor's worship has spread far from his native Flanaess. Domains and more for twenty new deities comprising the core pantheon of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. He supports absolute law. Saint Cuthbert is strongly allied with Rao. Pyremius is very popular in the lands ruled by the Scarlet Brotherhood, as well as among assassins and pyromaniacs. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Proving once again that Dimre is favored in war. He also has an intense rivalry with Pholtus, a similarly intolerant though good-leaning god. He always wears a silky white gown and a cassock trimmed with gold and silver, embroidered with suns and moons. This quest means they must travel far from their churches, usually in groups should unbelievers and heretics turn hostile. Though he is among the oldest of the Faerunian pantheon, the Morninglord nonetheless retains the cheery optimism of youth that makes him the perfect symbol of beginnings. Pelor was known as Sol by the early Oeridians. Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff It is said that the two followed similar but differing paths. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. New weapons, armor, and equipment., Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0. Abilities that require favored weapons Certain abilities require that you wield a favored weapon in your main hand. Our players will just give up if you present them 40 gods in a campaign. Whenever humans embark on a new journey, enter a contract, or start a political or romantic relationship, chances are good that they whisper a prayer to Lathander(lah-than-der), deity of dawn, renewal, and vitality. Hierarchy Novices of Heironeous are known as the Blessed. He has few followers, but this fact does not seem to concern him in the least. He believes that he is the authority on Law and the natural order, which makes him unpopular with other gods. 126 Pathfinder Wiki Akuma He is six feet tall He often dresses in simple clothing and without armour. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff. This is a list of deities of Dungeons & Dragons, including all of the 3.5 edition gods and powers of the "Core Setting" for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) roleplaying game.Religion is a key element of the D&D game, since it is required to support both the cleric class and the behavioural aspects of the ethical alignment system – 'role playing', one of three fundamentals. Pholtus (FOHL-tus) is a stern Oeridian guardian of unbending Law, depicted as a tall, slender man in a white robe, with fair skin and hair, and eyes that shine with the fires of devotion. The One True Way is a strict path, but guarantees rightness. War Soul enhancements and Warpriest enhancements As such, those prior materials are covered in the setting-specific lists of deities. Frey appears as a handsome young elven man with brown hair and a moustache. Because Obad-Hai strictly adheres to neutrality, he is a rival of Ehlonna. Therefore, we will only list deities that are most present in the Domain of Greyhawk. His skin is a coppery shade, and impervious to all but the mightiest weapons due to a secret solution known as meersalm. His domains are Fire, Destruction and Evil. He rose to godhood, becoming the god of secrets. Details on what roles each character class can expect to fill in Rise of the Runelords, including suggestions for animal companions and familiars, favored enemies, character backgrounds, and more. Need Help? He carries the Staff of the Silvery Sun, an ivory object shod in silver and topped by an electrum sun-disk. Pholtus himself appears as a tall, slender man with pale skin, flowing white hair and bright blue eyes burning with the fires of devotion. Favored Weapons(s): Spear, whip (e) Other Preferred Weapons: Weapon of the Deity Spell: +1 keen spear. Show no tolerance for those who do not give all for the cause of Law, Fanaticism in the name of the Blinding Light is praiseworthy, and Law's champions shall be rewarded in the era when chaos has been vanquished. Pholtus (FOHL-tus) is a stern Oeridian guardian of unbending Law, depicted as a tall, slender man in a white robe, with fair skin and hair, and eyes that shine with the fires of devotion. Ourselves the question though fairly insignificant cosmically, Pholtus and his followers tend to have a of... Silver and topped by an electrum sun-disk to the Harmonium Way of life are the Pholtans that his has. Instant access to your previous versions followers tend to have a level of passion matched by few others most the. 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