legal issues in speciality areas in nursing

by - 23 12 2020

Sometimes it is seen that there is psychological impact on the patient’s mindset and it’s really hard for them to cope with such a stressful situation (Kendall 2006). Nursing specialties - there are over 25 areas of specialization in nursing available in Australia. An immigration lawyer may work for the government, a law firm, a community-based organization, or in-house for a company employing immigrants. Where they are not sure which course of action would be appropriate in both ethical as well as legal manner. Please refer to an authoritative source if you require up-to-date information on any health or medical issue. In England and Wales, the Family Law Reform Act 1969 states that a person who is 16 or 17 years old has a statutory right to consent to treatment, under section 8, a minor aged 16 or over is considered an adult and has the legal rights which flow from this categorisation. There are various palliative regimes which are applicable for other diseases, such as cardiac or renal disease, so as to help the patient to cope with the suffering (Johnson et al. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. On the other hand, in these times the patients do want their physicians to tell them the truth about the diagnosis and the medical therapies. In doing so, you will consider the type of practice which may best suit your intellectual and lifestyle concerns. The ANA also publishes separate ethics guides for different specialties and controversial areas, such as the ethics involved in end of life decision making. A number of medical professionals from different fields of medical sciences are constantly working on developing and designing new measures to provide the best palliative care to the patients who are suffering from serious illness. Describe “best practices” that protect your license and position, influence quality of care and reduce risk. Download a PDF copy of this Fact sheet - Advanced nursing practice and specialty areas within nursing - May 2020 (139 KB,PDF). The Core Ethical Principles of Nursing Even when laws and medical practices change, the fundamental ethical principles of the nursing profession stand firm. There are three major sources of primary legal material, as follows. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Legal issues and regulations play a dominant role in nursing practice today. It also provides detailed information about the various significant steps that should be taken to handle these types of ethical dilemmas. The consent must be effective, and then no consent is required from a parent, except in specific procedures such as organ donation and nontherapeutic research. Nursing This will give you a detailed understanding of the law as it relates to nursing. Excerpts written by Shelda L. Hudson, RN, BSN, PHN. In this case study patient is facing an impending death from cancer and terminal diagnosis of cancer which will brings her life to the end. It can also be one of the main reasons of moral distress on them. The GMC acts to protect practitioners who breach confidentiality rules if it was in the public interest, although this depends on the circumstances. All work is written to order. PSY403 Ethical and Professional Issues In Psychology. Licensure protects the consuming public and insures that the nurse has completed a state approved nursing school, has successfully passed their licensure examination and has also continuously met the requirement(s) for relicensure each biennium without any suspensions or revocations of their license. Now the questions that arises here is that if the nurse does not disclose the truth to the patient then what would be the legal implications. administer medication without consent. The demand for nurses is continually growing, and the nursing career path offers many worthwhile benefits such as strong salaries, numerous opportunities, and a feeling of fulfillment. Our order and rules. These certifications are specialty specific such as a Med-Surg certification, Neonatal, Gero, etc. It is totally unfair to withhold the truth from the patient about his existing health conditions, especially when the patient is capable enough to give the consent about various medications and procedures. The General Medical Council (GMC) is a statutory entity with the role of protecting the public by maintaining a register of medical practitioners fit to practice, while also monitoring complaints about practitioners. Burns. Download a PDF copy of this Fact sheet - Advanced nursing practice and specialty areas within nursing - May 2020 (139 KB,PDF). The PHKAN has now conferred 2289 Fellows from 14 accredited Colleges in the specialty areas of cardiac, community and public health, critical care, education and research, emergency, gerontology, medical, mental health, midwives, nursing and healthcare management, orthopaedic, paediatric, perioperative and surgical nursing. There might be things which she wants to do before dying if she would have been informed. It begins by highlighting that the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Code, which sets out the standard for professional practice, is under- pinned by the law. Legal nurse consultants are valuable in that they bring clinical experience, medical education, and a scientific background to the legal arena, assisting attorneys in the litigation process. Legal issues in nursing documentation regarding medication records and medication errors are common. It is imperative they have a sound understanding of various ethical, legal and professional issues they will face during their careers. In such a situation, palliative care specialists can be proved quite helpful as they can provide resources to help the patient and his family deal with emotions that come with a serious illness. It expresses the respect for their autonomy. In 2015 the IOM Committee for the Evaluation of the Impact of the Institute of Medicine Report on The Future of Nursing assessed the changes to the field of nursing and peripheral areas over the past five years as a result of the IOM report on the future of nursing . The final decision is made by the doctor and his medical team regarding the disclosure of the truth to the patient after analyzing all his mental status (2012). The GMC has also provided guidance on particular areas such as consent, confidentiality, and withholding or withdrawing This guidance is not mandatory, but is recognised at law, and in the case of W v Egdell, the court referred to the GMC guidelines on confidentiality.vii The British Medical Association (BMA) is the national association of practising doctors, with its own medical ethics unit which deals with individual ethical queries from doctors and nurses, and provides guidelines on ethical issues. The nursing profession, including professional and specialty organizations, is responsible to its members and to the public to define the scope of practice and standards of practice. Nursing, as a profession, can be very rewarding and challenging, however many problems exist and most are becoming worse due to lack of legislation to address these issues. This can be in court or with insurance companies, healthcare providers, and other agencies. . Search results Jump to search results. From neonatal to hospice, and everything in between, nursing comes in a wide variety of specialties, each with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Palliative care uses a team approach to handle the needs of the patients and their families. Correctional nursing specialists. 1. Ethical issues in nursing contain all the tough decisions the healthcare profession faces each day in caring for society. The family also desires that the nurse should not tell the patient about the medications prescribed to him. In many communities for instance Muslim and Indian cultures diseases are perceived as a family matter. 19, No. 2, Manuscript 5. Legal issues in nursing practice 1. professional and legal issues underpin nursing practice. At the end of 2013, 80% of hospitals and 50% of healthcare providers implemented EHRs.1 But, the … xvii Nurses require a sound understanding of the associated ethical and legal principles in order to make such a judgment, and this is best understood by implementing stringent teaching and education procedures prior to practicing in a health clinic to ensure they can apply principles of health care and ethics. provides indexing for law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals. The nurse should properly converse with the patient and make sure that the patient is well aware of all available treatment options (Johnstone 2011). This creates a problem for nurses and the ethical questions about who to protect. This is a duty of confidentiality, to not give information about the patient to others without consent. The estate planner works to ensure that the client's intentions with respect to the distribution of his or her assets will be effectuated precisely … Rural nursing page 2 1dwlrqdo &hqwhu ri &rqwlqxlqj (gxfdwlrq ,qf zzz qxuvhfh frp e [wudruglqdu\ hiiruwv kdyh ehhq pdgh e\ wkh dxwkruv wkh hglwru dqg wkh sxeolvkhu ri wkh 1dwlrqdo &hqwhu ri &rqwlqxlqj (gxfdwlrq ,qf frxuvhv wr hqvxuh grvdjh uhfrpphqgdwlrqv dqg wuhdwphqwv duh suhflvh dqg djuhh zlwk wkh kljkhvw vwdqgdugv ri sudfwlfh +rzhyhu dv d Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing. About Legal Issues Rights, responsibilities, scope of nursing practice As defined by state nursing practice acts Sources of laws Sum total of rules and regulations by which a society is governed Law made at federal, state, and local levels 2. Some professionals consider such types of suffering more badly than death. You can review professional standards by visiting the websites of accredited organizations such as the American Heart Association, the American Nurses Association, The Joint Commission, and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, as well as state and national regulatory agencies such as your state's board of nursing. 1 … The Human Rights Act, Article 8, also allows people to take action against public authorities who have no upheld their right to a private life. iThese d… (Robinson January-February) explains that sometimes holding back the truthful information from patient may lead to feeling of regret in the health care providers. Sh… 1.156 awareness of your own values – is the true basis of the best nursing care under conditions of uncertainty. Evidence-based information on legal and ethical issues in nursing from hundreds of trustworthy sources for health and social care. Practicing without a current and valid license is illegal and it amounts to pra… Constantly changing values in health, behavioural science, and society mean that medical practitioners must be aware of new ethical issues for the medical sector, and learn how to respond appropriately. Legal issues in nursing practice 1. 27th Nov 2017 Prima Facie it is a clear case of violation of constitutional rights of a patient if nursing professional does not inform the patient about her medical condition and learn her desire and judgment in designing and developing her future treatment and palliative care plan. All the principles of the palliative care must be applied from the time of diagnosis. A burns nurse cares for patients who have suffered serious burns. The law provides a framework for establishing nursing actions in the care of clients. In this case study patient is being denied of this right as well Hanson (2002). “Section 282A does not address consent. How do effective nurse leaders and others approach problem solving and decision making in organizations. Trusts & Estates Law: This practice area is unique in that it brings the practitioner in close contact with the personal lives of clients. According to Criminal Code (Palliative Care) Amendment Bill 2003, “Section 282A does not address consent. Laws determine and set boundaries and maintain a standard of nursing practice. The patient must be considered competent to make the decision, as in other circumstances a breach of confidence m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Our papers are delivered strictly on time without delay, The Essay is Written From Scratch for You. Palliative care is often associated with terminal diseases like Cancer and AIDS but now the concept has been changed. This article includes a link to our free guide to a career in nursing. The health professional should motivate the family introducing them the benefit of therapeutic discloser and harmful effects of concealing information e.g. Correctional nursing specialists provide efficient, quality health … Medication Errors. But, sometimes a situation arises when the physician thinks that disclosure would create a harmful effect on the patient and it may be validated to hold back the truthful information in that case. A Forensic Nurse expert witness gathers evidence from victims of sexual assault and trauma, and testifies in court as part of the criminal justice system. The NMC states that patients can expect professionals to consider all information confidential to enhance trust, and no information can be disclosed without consent other than in exceptional circumstances.x Nurses are also under instruction from doctors and employers, required to exercise their own judgment as well as following directions and adhering to the ethics of the team and the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses.xi This can lead to some conflict, where they may be instructed to act contrary to their own personal beliefs, hence a balance of opinions must be applied by the individual to ensure they continue to act in the patient’s best interests while following ethical obligations. It is focused on providing comfort and relief from the pain and the other distressing symptoms of a serious illness. Ethical and legal implications in palliative care are very significant because it is an end stage treatment where majority of patient are moving towards an impending death. “The situation is fairly dire for nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout Ontario right now,” says Joffe, who is hosting a webinar on the issues facing long-term care facilities. In 2015 the IOM Committee for the Evaluation of the Impact of the Institute of Medicine Report on The Future of Nursing assessed the changes to the field of nursing and peripheral areas over the past five years as a result of the IOM report on the future of nursing . allnurses is a Nursing Career, Support, and News Site. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. The Register acts to allow the GMC to monitor entry to the profession only by achieving the standards required to become an RMP, and also by monitoring ‘fitness to practice’ proceedings to ensure all practitioners maintain consistently high standards of conduct. A.Nurse Practice Act: each state has one to protect nurses’ professional capacity, to set educational requirements, to distinguish between nursing and medical practice, to define scope of nursing practice, to legally control nursing through licensing, and to define standards of professional nursing. Top … It offers a support system that helps patients to be lively as much as possible until death. 3, Manuscript 3. Legal Specialty Areas: As you look for a job, you need to be extremely familiar with different legal specialty areas. Technology in nursing practice is not new, but the ways in which technology exists and contributes to healthcare is. What they do: Currently, nurse educator is the nursing specialty in highest demand; a survey in 2010 found that 56% of nursing schools in the United States had nursing educator positions open. •Period of time that courts generally sided with nursing programs regarding high-stakes testing •Now….. Citation: Hutcherson, Carolyn M. (September 30, 2001). In the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) must establish minimum standards and requirements for nursing education in professional and ethical issues.iv The NMC is an organisation established by parliament to protect the public and regulates the medical and nursing professional standards using the Register of Medical Practitioners (RMP). It is a team based effort of care giving and it is also responsible for initiating the concept of dedicated palliative care development team. CNEs may be educating nurses with an associate degree but vast clinical experience, as well as recently graduate… Standard of Care 5. It is a primary phenomena in resolving ethical dilemmas .It required to be supplemented by providing good care to health service user (Botes 2000).In order to apply justice health professionals provide care evenly to all the patients in hospital not patient and family. Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Nursing. Justice -Justice described as treat everyone ‘equally and fairly’. In the modern world, there are a number of nursing specialities. The most important issues related to this bond are disclosure of truth, kindness and communication.” The patients who are suffering from terminal illness generally prefer to hear the truth but they wish it to listen to it in a receptive way (Maria, Ann & Anna 2011). Legal issues in nursing documentation regarding medication records and medication errors are common. According a survey conducted almost three decades ago, it has been cleared that 97% of the physicians felt that it is correct to tell the truth to the patients regarding all the relevant aspects of their illness which includes the nature of the illness and its expected outcomes. Unauthorised administration of medical treatment would be assault”. In 2019 the NMBA consulted on definitions of advanced practice and nurse practitioner with the definitions below … Chemical Dependency 3. This area of nursing focuses on: burn types (ACMA 2011). The NMC’s ‘Code of Professional Conduct: Standards for conduct, performance and ethics’ is widely adhered to in the profession. legal and ethical issues in nursing, patient care technicians, social workers, and office personal. Health professional should treat the person ‘autonomously’ and prevent him/her from harm and care provider should also aware of legal implication of action taken(Ulysse, Balicas & Yiquing 2011). Nurses are highly accountable to patients, the public, employers, and the entire profession. Second, a breach of that duty by not meeting the required standard. It is a legal right of every Australian citizen to have complete and correct information about their medical situation. It is important to note at the beginning of this chapter that the term APRN will be used throughout as this is the term used to describe advanced practice nurses in a regulatory context. It is important to note at the beginning of this chapter that the term APRN will be used throughout as this is the term used to describe advanced practice nurses in a regulatory context. xv. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Available:… In the following discussion, I will look at the ethical principles and legal implications of hiding information from the patient and administering morphine without his information or approval. Third, causation, which is a factual connection between the action of the nurse and the harm suffered by the patient. TPAPN 6. Although there are many textbooks and periodicals that discuss legal issues in nursing, it is best whenever possible to study the primary legal material as well. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing are applicable for any nurse, from beginner to expert. The nurse’s education, license and nursing standard provide the framework by which nurses are expected to practice. The NMC contains guidelines regarding the expectations of particular duties such as confidentiality, medical research obligations, consent rights, and autonomy. ANA is proud to work with our affiliate partners to help members connect, share information, and collaborate with other specialty nurses. The PHKAN has now conferred 2289 Fellows from 14 accredited Colleges in the specialty areas of cardiac, community and public health, critical care, education and research, emergency, gerontology, medical, mental health, midwives, nursing and healthcare management, orthopaedic, paediatric, perioperative and surgical nursing. sirI is a Senior Administrator for Recent issues like nursing shortages and hospital cost-cutting initiatives have placed extra burdens on nurses, increasing their workloads and the margin … At the Leichter Law Firm, we may be able to help you understand the following aspects of nursing license defense: 1. A. Home All Journals Issues in Mental Health Nursing List of Issues Volume 41, Issue 11 2019 Impact Factor. There is a range of statutes impacting health care in the UK, as well as international standards. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. The GMC will be unable to protect nurses if disclosure amounts to a significant breach towards the particular individual, despite assessment of legal and ethical questions. Faith nursing, gero, pediatrics, med surg, emergency, community, school nursing, management, etc Certification is the voluntary practice of validating that an individual nurse has met the minimum standards of nursing competence in specific areas. Introduction. A bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN) is typically a minimum educational requirement, but a Master's of Science in Nursing (MSN) with an educational specialization is recommended, along with leadership skills necessary to teach other nurses.1Despite the push for all nurses to attain their BSN, varying levels of education (with different levels of clinical experience) are still present in the nursing workforce. Johnstone (2011, p 21) says that nursing professional is very uncertain. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. (Goethals, Gastmans & de Casterlé 2010) state that many a times the moral distress may lead to less involvement of nurse in his work. Legal Issues The legal implications of nursing practice are tied to licensure, state and federal laws, scope of practice and a public expectation that nurses practice at a high professional standard. With an adult patient it is relatively important to understand the concept of death and disease and they can take a realistic approach towards it by spending their remaining time in a productive manner saying good bye to dear ones and taking care of all formalities before meeting a demises. Telling truth is not harmful for patient it will cause the peaceful death(O’Sullivan 2009). Patients show a great deal of trust in their physician and they may feel deceived if they discover that there is lack of honesty by the physician. (Carlson et al. The chapter then defines the term ‘law’ and considers how laws are made by looking at the role of Parliament and the courts. Ethics regards standards of moral judgement and professional conduct. Our legal framework; As the independent regulator for nurses, midwives and nursing associates, what we do is set out by legislation. Legal Cases Focused on High-Stakes Testing •Initial court cases dealing with high stakes testing sided with the students. This result in deteriorating in her physical health and she may ask question about her situation and prognosis of the disease. The nurse’s education, license and nursing standard provide the framework by which nurses … We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on 2010). The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is a specialty nursing organization dedicated to nurturing medical-surgical nurses as they advance their careers. \"Legal Considerations for Nurses Practicing in a Telehealth Setting\". The nurse should consider patient’s autonomy before administering morphine. Additionally, nurses are expected to work together with other health practitioners and care professionals or agencies, service users, carers and communities, and extended families, to ensure decisions made about patient care adhere to shared values.xii, The current legal framework in the UK includes statute law and case law. No state or federal laws prohibit an NP from practicing in a specialty area. ii These are professional duties which become legal duties if any legislation or policies are breached during practice. To be registered, it is a general rule that nurses must undergo education in addition to personally indicating through performance and training that they intend to follow ethical standards to retain a licence for nursing.v. “We’ve seen a number of issues coming to a head, in particular at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon where 29 residents and the spouse of a resident have died due to COVID-19.” If a patient expressively states that he doesn’t wish to share his medical information with his family then it is legal obligation of hospital and medical professional to maintain the wish of the patient. In England, a patient is considered a minor if he or she is under 18 years of age, although in Scotland the required age is lower at 16. xiv When read with Article 3, it can be implied that there is a fundamental right for all individuals to determine their own lives, without interference from the government, including the right to choose medical treatment – treatment must be either consensual, or if the patient is in fact incapable of consent, it must be therapeutically necessary. Immigration law focuses on the legal issues and policies relating to immigrants who come to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis. Professional organizations or certifying boards issue voluntary certification in many of these specialties. All registered and licensed practical, or vocational, nurses must be currently licensed to practice nursing in their state of practice. Given that the duty of confidentiality is a combined public interest and individual interest assessment, the judicial system does not provide ample guidance. In the past years, the physicians were very reluctant to tell the truth to their patients regarding their existing health conditions. Advanced practice. You can view samples of our professional work here. In these cases this is an area that needs to be carefully explored with patients to ensure their wishes are respected and they are included in the information process in the way that they wish to be.” In this scenario nurse should communicate with the family members in order to convince and find out their preferred way to disclose the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. Particular examples of these acts include the strict control of disclosure of personal information under the Data Protection Act, and the concurrent use of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 if nurses are concerned about confidentiality decisions made at executive levels in organisations. principles of distributive justice). Neonatal nursing is a sub-specialty of nursing that works with newborn infants born with a variety of problems ranging from prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems. Read the latest issue and learn how to publish your work in Issues in Mental Health Nursing. The American Association of Law Libraries endorses LegalTrac, and its special advisory committee selects, reviews, and … Company Registration No: 4964706. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Table 2: Global Challenges to … Legal nurse consultants are highly educated RNs who work as experts on cases involving medical issues. You can review professional standards by visiting the websites of accredited organizations such as the American Heart Association, the American Nurses Association, The Joint Commission, and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, as well as state and national regulatory agencies such as your state's board of nursing. From 1998 to 2001, for instance, the number of malpractice payments made by nurses increased from 253 to 413 (see Figure 1, page 55).The trend shows no signs of stopping, 1-3 despite efforts by nursing educators to inform nurses and student nurses of their legal … xviii The consent is valid if the minor is of ‘sufficient intelligence and understanding to appreciate the information and advice about the treatment and what it involves,’ for instance if a teenage girl consent in receiving contraceptive advice without her parents’ knowledge or consent.xix As the law enforces a duty of confidentiality by nurses to adults, the law then extends the duty to children who are competent in consenting to treatment. Looking for a flexible role? Therefore beneficence and non-malfeasance play vital role in their moral values as compare to patient right to consent in western countries (Pentheny et al ,2011). It also provides a firm support to the family to cope up with the patient illness and also includes bereavement support for the family. The Disciplinary Process 2. She conducts seminars for Nursing Students, Nurses, physicians, and other healthcare providers regarding how to avoid litigation, assisting with depositions, and conducting "Mock Trials" where the students are the players in the court proceedings. Together, the GMC and BMA act to provide guidance for nurses and other practitioners to assist in ethical decisions, however it should be noted that these decisions are highly personalised, dependent on the patient and situation, and often subjective therefore unable to be entirely answered by these guidelines. It is also encouraged that in case of a dilemma a professional should seek help from their regulatory body or councils which can guide them towards a legally and ethically rightful path Hui, (2010, p.76). 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